In 2011, businessman Andy
Preston launched charity
Teesside Philanthropic
Foundation to support local
community groups starved of
cash during the recession.
The charity recently reached
the £3m fundraising milestone
– and to celebrate is asking
Teesside charities, community
groups, sports clubs and
schools to apply for a £30,000
project donation.
Tees Life talks to the charity’s
Middlesbrough-born chairman
and founder about what drives
him to make a difference
£3 million raised for worthy Teesside causes –
you must be delighted?
Yes, really delighted to have raised £3m for
Teesside – and even more thrilled that the
vast majority of that has already been shared
out with deserving community groups and
charities across our area.
What does it say about Teesside that such a
fundraising milestone has been achieved?
Raising this much money in Teesside shows
exactly what a special place it is – Teesside
definitely has a generous spirit that doesn’t
exist anywhere else. Our charity’s motto
captures that special spirit - it says we’re all
fighting for Teesside together.
Why did you launch the charity?
First and foremost, I’m a proud Teessider,
born and raised in Middlesbrough, with
businesses in the town too. I love doing
some good whenever I can and, when the
recession hit, I was in the fortunate position
where I felt I could make something happen.
I was confident there were local companies
that had money they could spare to help
community groups that were facing deep
funding cuts. The Foundation has grown to
be much more than that but that’s what my
fellow founder Tanya Garland and I had in
mind at the outset.
How do you find the time and energy to run
the Foundation?
In all honesty, I initially thought I would
get the charity up and running and then
Q&A with Andy Preston as
charitable movement reaches
£3 million milestone
Driving force - Andy Preston
says Teesside Philanthropic
Foundation has become a
"force for good".
move on after a year or two
to allow someone else to
take over. Instead, seven
Milestone - the charity has raised £3m for local worthy causes.
years on, I’m still the chair,
though we’ve now got three
know who they are and we’re incredibly
members of staff and a fantastic board of
grateful to them for their generous support.
trustees, so my role is getting easier and less
What have been your highlights of the
charity’s achievements?
You haven’t done it alone, of course, so how
We bought two holiday homes near Filey
did you do it?
where we offer short breaks for Teesside’s
We have an amazing network of supporters
most disadvantaged families, which I think
across the whole region who are passionate,
is really special because everyone deserves
kind and energetic. Thousands have helped
a break – especially those experiencing
our charity but we estimate that 200
hard times. We’ve also created numerous
individuals and companies have gone above
apprenticeships for out-of-work young
and beyond by making really significant
people and I’m proud that our FAST Fund
contributions in terms of either time, money
or both. We can’t name them all and it would provides small grants to local sportspeople
who lack only the finances to reach the top.
be unfair to pick out individuals but they
Teesside not-for-profit organisations have until the end of May to apply for the £30,000
fund, which will be donated in whole to one winning charity, community group,
sporting club or school.
To receive an application form, email [email protected].