Employer – former oil rigger Steve Cochrane now employs
79 people in his department store, along with another five
in Cleveland Centre outlet Psyche2, while he opened a new
store in Durham in April.
>> explains. “I prefer to call it clothing.
“I think fashion has been monopolised by the pile-it-high,
sell-it-cheap fast fashion people. So I prefer style and quality,
and thankfully it’s moving away from luxury sportswear to
sportswear-influenced tailoring at the moment.”
Everything Steve does seems to boil down to future-
proofing and staying ahead of the game.
“You go to fashion shows to see all of the key looks,
fabrics and directions for the next season,” he reveals.
“You soak all of that up, and do all of your analysis and
forecasting, and then go and do your buying.
“So all spring and summer 2019 has been signed off now.
“We start planning autumn ‘19 soon. It’s all a risk and
gambling, but it’s informed gambling.”
The former oil rigger now employs 79 people in his
department store, along with another five in Cleveland
Centre outlet Psyche2, while he opened a new store in
Durham in April.
Success has led to a number of prestigious personal laurels
as well as awards and wealth, including an MBE for services
to the Teesside economy and recognition in this year’s
Queen’s birthday honours list, and an honorary doctorate
from Teesside University.
Plans – Steve Cochrane
says he plans to marry at St
Paul’s Cathedral after being
awarded the MBE earlier
this year.