I most I like to spend time with … my family , even though I ’ m in a band with them and we get on each other ’ s nerves ! The biggest influence on my career was … my dad . He passed away 11 years ago when I was 16 and really getting into writing music . He was a big supporter of getting us to learn the guitar and getting into a band . We used to play songs for him to get his reaction . Even today when I write songs I think about whether Dad would have liked them . The people who make me laugh are … my sister Helen and brother Fran , who always have me howling . Helen especially is unbelievably funny . The person who inspires me is … a professional writer called Simon Aldred , who ’ s in a band called Cherry Ghost and has written for Sam Smith and Liam Gallagher . He ’ s a class songwriter and a big inspiration . The people who make me angry are … obnoxious people . When you ’ re on a train and you hear music coming through someone ’ s headphones – that ’ s my big bugbear .
My greatest achievement was … writing a number one single that went Gold in Belgium a couple of years ago . It was called Easy Come Easy Go by a girl called Alice on the Roof . My biggest disappointment was … that Cattle and Cane ’ s second album wasn ’ t better received by the industry . I felt songs like Fool for You and Make Your Vision were really ready to kick on but for whatever reason it didn ’ t happen . My business mantra is … you ’ ve got to keep working , you can ’ t stop . The alternative career I might have had was … professional footballer . As a kid I was a good footballer but I don ’ t think I had the mental strength . I was good in the games that weren ’ t really important but when it came to finals I ’ d maybe go into my shell a bit . So I think I wouldn ’ t have had the mental fortitude to have been a professional . The venue I ’ d love to perform at is … The Globe in Stockton when it reopens . That ’ s my dream . It ’ s a 2,500-capacity venue , and by 2019 Cattle and Cane should be able to fill that hopefully . It ’ s got so much history with the Stones , the Beatles and Cliff Richard having played there . My favourite Teesside venue to play is … Middlesbrough Town Hall – it has really good acoustics and looks great . The Empire has been amazing too .
Cattle and Cattle with the Northern Orchestra play Middlesbrough Town Hall on Friday June 8 . Tickets , priced £ 22.50 each , are available from middlesbroughtownhall . co . uk