Michael McGeary takes a walk around
this glorious Guisborough garden...
idden beneath the splendour of the Cleveland Hills
is a magnificent secret garden that few residents of
nearby Guisborough even know exists.
But the word is out among keen horticulturalists,
who have visited from as far afield as Switzerland to view the
stunning Arts and Crafts-inspired grounds of Tudor Croft.
Almost certainly the finest example of a large private garden
built in Teesside during the 20th Century, the gardens include
lily pools, fountains and an arbour, as well as a huge variety of
both native and exotic plants and an impressive collection of ferns.
They are the pride and joy of Mike Heagney, who has lived at
Tudor Croft since his parents bought the stunning home 65 years
Mike is well known on Teesside, having run Heagneys
Supermarkets with his brother John for many years. They sold
the business in 1999, enabling Mike to concentrate on his
passion for restoring country house gardens.
But much of his time is taken up maintaining his own gardens
and helping to preserve them in the way they were envisaged
when successful brick maker Ronnie Crossley built his house
here in 1934.
Set over five-acres, with breathtaking views of the North York
Moors and Roseberry Topping, the gardens took ten years to
“My parents bought the house in 1952 and I grew up here,
along with my brother, John, and three sisters,’ says Mike.
“We had a very happy upbringing and during this time I
gradually developed my passion for all things horticultural.”
Brick making was clearly a lucrative business in Ronnie
Crossley’s day. He used the gardens to entertain prospective
clients and showcase some of the
products he offered.
As well as the wide expanses
of lush greenery, the garden has
paths and streams and a long rose
pergola with 48 varied brick pillars
supporting cedar beams. There are
also delightful surprises tucked
around every corner, such as the
Mike Heagney’s
garden is set
over five acres.
stone elf sitting cross-legged beside the arbour, one of
many scattered around the garden.
“I am very fortunate to live here, but looking after it is
also a huge burden, as you can imagine,” says Mike.
He works with a small team of skilled gardeners,
supplemented by an enthusiastic group of volunteers
who visit every Friday to keep the gardens in first class
“We couldn’t manage without them,” he smiles.
Mike usually opens the gardens for two days in
February to allow people to view what is probably the
largest collection of snowdrops in the region – there are
some 2,202 different varieties, many of them rare.
They then open for weekends in May and June and
regularly host garden clubs visits from as far away as the
“In my parents’ day we had many garden parties and
this tradition has continued with charity summer balls in
the 1980s and dozens of open garden events for different
charities since then.”
To be added to the mailing list for open days at Tudor
Croft, email [email protected].
An arbour built by brickmaker Ronnie Crossley.