Tees Life Tees Life Issue 12 | Page 15

CELEBRITY INTERVIEW “I read on a forum after my first show, ‘I can’t understand a word this girl from England says, but she was so excited about that product that I just had to buy it’!” By her own admission, eventually becoming a mum made Sara a better businesswoman. “One of the biggest strengths I have in business is empathy. I can support mothers in my workforce because I’ve been there myself. In fact, I think it’s given us a competitive edge because we are seen as an employer who understands and supports mams. As a result, we attract really high-calibre women. We employ 220 people now and around 70% are female, many at executive level.” Always by her side as the business has gone from strength to strength has been Sara’s husband, Simon. “Simon was my first boyfriend. I was 15 and he was 19 so it was quite a scandal at the time,” she recalls. “He’s all I’ve ever known and is the love of my life. He’s never felt emasculated by my success and there’s no ego there at all, that’s why it works with us. The irony is that it’s actually Simon who runs the business. I’m the driving force but he does the day-to-day work.” Having achieved the work-life balance she always craved, Sara says her role now is more about coaching and mentoring. “I’m the figurehead of the company so I still fly all over the world, still do the shopping telly, which I love, but I can work it so that I have time with my family.” Dragons’ Den will be back on BBC Two this spring, but Sara has no aspirations to change her career. “I like dipping into the TV world, but I would never give up my business because I love it. When I don’t, then that would be the time to call it a day.” So, we guess, there’s no tempting the intrepid Ms Davies into the celebrity jungle? She throws back her blonde head and lets out a huge laugh. “Absolutely no,” she insists. “No, thank you very much!’ tees-life.co.uk 15