Tees Business Tees Business issue 17 | Page 52

52 | Tees Business REGENERATION OF ALBERT ROAD RESULTS IN A BUSINESS RESURGENCE A lbert Road, which is a main thoroughfare in Middlesbrough, running from the town’s railway station right up to Teesside University, has been transformed into Albert North. Benefiting from a joint approach to investment in the area between Middlesbrough Council and local property and regeneration specialist Jomast, Albert North is primed and ready for its next successful chapter. Home to some of the town’s most iconic buildings, this new business community is a collection of eclectic architecture that is rich in history. Regeneration of the area has resulted in many of the buildings being renovated to provide elegant exteriors and spacious interiors. With space available from 1,000-10,000 sq ft, Albert North is proving a big hit with businesses who have outgrown their existing location and are looking for more A VIBR ANT NEW BU SINESS COM M U NIT Y IN M IDDLE SBR OU GH’S HISTOR IC QU AR T ER SE ES A NU M BE R OF BU SINESSES COM M IT THEIR FU TU R E TO THE AR EA. flexible space to meet their rapid growth requirements. One company relocating to accommodate its rapid growth is digital firm Salesfire, which has expanded into 5,000 sq ft on the second floor of 16-26 Albert Road. Founded in 2017, it provides e-commerce businesses with solutions to increase website conversions, sales and ROI, and it boasts Hype, Ringtons Tea and Lifestyle Fitness as its clients. Richard Himsworth, Salesfire’s CEO, said: “We’ve experienced tremendous growth during the second half of last year which resulted in us growing our client base by 175% and trebling the team to 23 full-time employees. “This resulted in us quickly outgrowing our existing premises, and we needed a new office that would be flexible enough to meet our ambitious growth needs. “Having searched the market we quickly realised Albert North provided us with the perfect opportunity as it offered us the space we required now with the flexibility for future expansion.” Salesfire has joined Mabo Media, Alkaline Kitchen, Keystage Recruitment, Working Links and Hays Recruitment, who have also chosen this central location. “The fact that this area has been designed to attract the town’s ambitious digital and creative sector alongside living space and food outlets made Albert North even more attractive to us,” added Richard. Tenants based at Albert North receive many perks including high-speed broadband, rent and rate incentives, free public health initiatives for staff, and a city centre loyalty card offering discounts and incentives in local shops. Mark Hill, commercial property director at Jomast, said: “We’re thrilled to welcome Salesfire as our latest tenant, and the fact that we have modern facilities and space flexible enough to meet their future growth