Serving the Teesside Business Community | 29
The board – Utility Alliance
directors (left to right) Bob
Moore, Darren Sutherland
and Phill Moore aren’t resting
on their laurels after seeing
turnover climb to £6m.
January – Utility Alliance moves into
Tranquility House on Hartlepool Marina
having previously occupied office space
at Queens Meadow Business Park in
the town.
March – Shortlisted in the prestigious
North East Business of the Year Awards
in the Most Promising Newcomer
April – An ongoing recruitment drive
sees the workforce grow to 170. Talks
start with a view to opening a new
office in Sheffield.
May – A successful night at the
Hartlepool Business Awards sees
Utility Alliance win Most Promising
New Business, Service Sector
Business of the Year and the overall
Hartlepool Business of the Year.
Good call – Utility Alliance
has created more than 100
new jobs in 2017, with more
on the way.
all businesses. We could provide utilities
for a school, and from that profit we could
put a slice back in to buy books or to pay for
equipment. All businesses look at the bottom
line on their accounts, regardless of how big
they are.
“If we can get their contract and they are
going to get something back at the same
time, it’s a mutually beneficial arrangement.”
The senior management team has
continued to grow throughout the year,
with key appointments in HR, finance,
recruitment, IT and training as well as to the
overall sales team.
“It’s been a bit like a runaway train to be
truthful, but it’s nice when our sales team
ring up a business and they’ve heard about
us, they know who we are,” said Willis.
“We still have a long way to go, but the
campaigns throughout 2017 have been
successful and we will be looking at more
target-specific campaigns in the new year.
“This year has been about putting the
foundations in place, now we have to build
on them. There’s no limit to how far we
can grow as a business, but the directors
are still working on the business plan they
created when they set the firm up just
under three years ago.
“They’re fully aware of developments
that are taking place within the sector
– electric vehicles are going to be a big
player sooner rather than later – and
they are constantly looking at how to get
“As I said earlier, it’s important that
businesses know who we are when we’re
trying to get contracts in place to provide
their utilities. The same goes for when
we’re trying to team up with businesses in
partnerships. If they do their due diligence
on us, we want them to be impressed
enough to get us round the table.
“We’ve had a lot to shout about in 2017
– and I’m confident you will be hearing a
lot more about Utility Alliance next year.”
June – Agreed a £240,000 three-year
sponsorship deal with Hartlepool
United which sees the company logo
added to the team kit. The firm also
bought the naming rights to the club’s
stadium, but opted to revert to the
original name of Victoria Park as a
gesture of goodwill to the fanbase.
July – Another football sponsorship
deal, this time with Burnley FC’s
community section. This results in
national and international exposure for
the UA brand through TV coverage of
the Premier League.
August – Highly Commended in the
annual Energy Efficiency Awards event
at the NEC in Birmingham.
September – Named as Best UK
Consultancy of the Ye ar in the
Corporate Livewire awards. Doors open
at the new office in Sheffield, initially
creating 30 jobs in the first week. More
than 20 staff – including chief operating
officer Phill Moore - show their caring
side by taking part in a 200ft bungee
jump to raise funds for a local girl who
needs an operation to help her walk.
December – Shortlisted in the annual
UK Energy Awards in Park Lane,