Tees Business Tees Business issue 12 | Page 26

— ABB Safe, reliable, efficient operations Operators in the high hazard industries aiming to achieve operational excellence in the face of increasing cost pressures, drives to cut downtime, alongside increasing operational reliability and efficiency, often require expert assistance. ABB offer expertise in: inspection; integrity management; process safety; project services; technical engineering; decommissioning and demolition; technical software and competency. ABB’s engineering and consultancy group is uniquely adapted to assist with a company’s specific business needs, benefitting customers by reducing risk, optimising cost and improving efficiency. ABB also share a wealth of expertise through their comprehensive suite of training courses, providing an expert view from our Teesside office and our other global locations. abb.com/consulting TeesBusiness 2017 (200mmx142mm).indd 1 24/11/2017 13:27:57 www.teessidehigh.co.uk CREATE AMAZING PLACES TO WORK Thrive - the ultimate employee engagement tool for those employing 50+ Thrive Employee Engagement System for HR professionals See at-a-glance how likely individuals are to thrive in their role OPEN DAY Saturday 27 January, 10.00am-12.00pm Experience our wonderful atmosphere at first hand. Call 01642 782095 or email [email protected] to arrange