Tees Business Issue 37 | Page 131

Funding – The money will enable the partners to offer services such as this course at the Morton Park Training Centre in Darlington . to more than 100,000 people a year across England through employment , training and education . Also , substance use , housing , young people and family support services .
> Tandem ( formerly the Morrison Trust ) brings 26 years of experience supporting disadvantaged people in Tees Valley to gain paid employment through the delivery of life skills and employability-specific skills development and support .
> Citizens Advice ( Darlington , Redcar and Cleveland , Hartlepool , Middlesbrough and Stockton and District Advice and Information Service ) provides high-quality advice and support covering a range of issues , including finance and debt , welfare , mortgages and housing and tenancy advice .
> Changing Lives works with people who are homeless or have experienced homelessness , are recovering from addiction or are moving away from offending . It also delivers specialist women ’ s and family services and provides employment opportunities via its social enterprise .
> Let ’ s Connect offers a range of specialist mental health and wellbeing support and professional training .
> PCP ( Pioneering Care Partnership ) is an expert in individual and community capacity building , creating opportunities across communities to improve health , wellbeing and life chances .
> Middlesbrough VDA supports , promotes and develops the local voluntary and community sector ( VCS ). Their comprehensive support service includes training and events , funding advice , development support , good practice and raising the profile of the local VCS . It manages and delivers the Middlesbrough Volunteering Academy , promoting good practice and advocacy of the local VCS through research and other short-term projects .
> Redcar & Cleveland VDA supports , promotes and develops volunteering and the voluntary sector through social action , offering practical support and advocacy .

Connecting Teesside people with Teesside businesses

LEAP is building a growing network of socially conscious businesses working together to make a lasting difference in local communities .

It will link with businesses across the Tees Valley to raise awareness and connect them with the untapped potential workforce of the people it supports .
The LEAP engagement team can assist with recruitment by identifying and recommending candidates and ensuring that each individual has relevant skills and is ready for work . Businesses will receive free ongoing support from the team ' s dedicated contact for every staff member employed through LEAP .
As well as making a lasting difference in local people ’ s lives , working with LEAP can benefit your business , too : > Opening your doors to your local community so people get to know your business
> Raising your community profile and identifying PR opportunities
> Giving back to your local community and increasing the social value generated by your business
> Identifying and achieving your corporate social responsibility
> Strengthening the local workforce .
If you or someone you know could benefit from the support of the LEAP programme , or if you are a business and would like to learn more or get involved , please contact the programme team on 01325 529210 .
The voice of business in the Tees region | 131