Tees Business Issue 37 | Page 126



Meet the category sponsors of the Tees Business Awards 2024
Headline sponsor : Double Eleven

Huge games developer Double

Eleven says its headline sponsorship of the 2024 Tees Business Awards will help mark the firm ’ s 15th anniversary .
And the Middlesbrough-based firm says it wants to play a role in encouraging other businesses to shout about their success stories .
Double Eleven will present the Company of the Year award as part of its headline sponsorship of the Tees Business Awards , with the inaugural event , organised by Tees Business , being delivered to almost 400 people earlier this year .
Double Eleven finance director Kimberley Turner – pictured with
the firm ’ s COO Mark South ( centre ) and Tees Business directors Dave Allan ( right ) and Martin Walker – said : “ We ’ re really proud of our Teesside roots and our successes .
“ But reflecting on our journey , we realised that , initially , we were so busy with our endeavours that we didn ’ t do as much as we could to share our achievements outside of our studio . “ As part of the Tees business community , we want to encourage and support local companies to share their success stories so they can make the most of them , and that other entrepreneurs can learn from them and be inspired .”
Future Leaders Award sponsor : Moonrise 24hr Recruitment
Care and nursing agency Moonrise 24hr Recruitment says it ’ s “ proud ” to sponsor a Tees Business Award that acclaims rising stars .
New for the 2024 Tees Business Awards , the Future Leaders category recognises those who have made a flying start to their careers and look destined for leadership .
And Moonrise MD Jessica Gwaringa , a fully trained mental health nurse and experienced care sector manager , is delighted to be among the category sponsors .
Jessica – the region ’ s BME Business Person of the Year for 2023 – said : “ Moonrise is proud to support the Tees Business Awards .
“ We understand the determination and hard work that goes into starting and running a business . It is an honour to support those who are achieving success , and even better , to support those achieving it in the Tees Valley .”
Community Champions sponsor : Etc .
One of the region ’ s leading education and training providers says it ’ s excited to promote the businesses who go “ above and beyond ”, in a major awards event .
Education Training Collective ( Etc .) – which includes Stockton Riverside College , Redcar and Cleveland College , Bede Sixth Form College and NETA Training – is sponsor of the Community Champions category in the 2024 Tees Business Awards .
Etc . CEO Grant Glendinning – pictured ( right ) with Tees Business sales manager Chris Garbutt – said : “ The Education Training Collective is delighted to sponsor the Community Champions award at the upcoming Tees Business Awards .
“ As a college group , we sit right at the heart of our communities across the Tees Valley and understand the importance of being a good neighbour .
“ We can ’ t wait to celebrate those who go above and beyond to be the best example of what that means .”
Making a Difference Award sponsor : PD Ports
The operator of Teesport is again backing the Tees Business Awards after supporting it as headline sponsor in 2023 .
This time around , PD Ports is sponsoring the Making a Difference category .
Kirsten Donkin – pictured ( right ) with Tees Business office manager Vicky Thomas – said : “ The strength of Teesside lies in its people , particularly those whose hard work and determination really do make a difference to the communities they live and work in .
“ We look forward to hearing the inspirational stories of those nominated and to celebrating the Tees business community on the night of the awards .”
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