Tees Business Issue 37 | Page 103

Cultivating mindfulness in the workplace


Cultivating mindfulness in the workplace
The fact that 13.7m working days are lost each year in the UK because of work-related stress , anxiety and depression , at an estimated annual cost of £ 28.3bn ( National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence ) demands urgent action .
What are you doing in your workplace to address this need ? Well surprisingly , for an increasing number of business leaders , including dot . com giants such as Google and Meta , the answer doesn ’ t lie solely with modern technological innovation such as AI , but with something thousands of years older – the ancient intelligence , or AI , that is mindfulness .
An exciting and growing body of clinical research is beginning to demonstrate just how effective mindfulness can be in encouraging and supporting employees to thrive mentally in the workplace , and thereby significantly improve productivity . For example , included among the many benefits of mindfulness to the work environment are increased focus and flexibility and greater task commitment , as well as an enhanced enjoyment of work .
“ Paying attention – being present in the moment and fully focused on the now – is a capability that can make the difference between good decisions and great decisions .” Lieutenant General Walter Piatt
Mindfulness also helps to support innovation . Regular mindful practice , for example , invites greater calmness to both body and mind , which naturally brings much more creative and adaptive approaches to the regular pattern of challenge and change of the modern dynamic workplace .
And what of the ever-increasing levels of stress that bring such high absence rates and associated costs ? Mindful awareness allows us to spot specific stressors as they arise , whether at company strategic level or in day-today employee functioning , and instead of unconsciously reacting in a negative way , invites the ability to pause and choose how best to respond .
Harnessing the ability to self-regulate is a key skill in developing greater resilience within teams and individuals , thereby positively enhancing social harmony within the workplace .
What is mindfulness ? Very simply , it is a skill . The practice of noticing in a kind way what is actually happening now , in this moment , just as it is .
How do I do it ? You might like to choose something to focus upon , such as the sounds around you , your breath , or the task you are currently working . Now , as you focus on this activity , you may soon notice your focus beginning to wander away , maybe to remembering what was for lunch or perhaps considering what might be happening tonight . Notice this movement of the mind with kindness and then bring your attention back to your chosen focus .
Why the kindness ? Well , your brain is a thought factory , and its job is to produce lots and lots of thoughts . You can ’ t stop them , but you can notice them and choose how best to deal with them . Being aware of the constant interruptions of emails , notifications and your thoughts is key to taking control and managing attention and focus .
How does this work in the real world ? Well , suppose you had a difficult conversation at work that left you feeling frustrated and maybe a little angry . As you try to relax at home , your mind may keep running the replay button of that conversation , again and again , while the anger you felt at the time builds within you , so that later in the day , sleep becomes almost impossible . By noticing this , you can then choose to disengage and put a workable strategy in place to deal with this issue at work and let it go for now .
How do I implement mindfulness in the workplace ? Whatever you choose , it has to be realistic , practical and effective for you and your company . You don ’ t have to collectively sit down for 45 minutes and gaze at a flower . You can capture the benefits of mindfulness with frequent , short , flexible and appropriate practices .
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