Why Baines Jewitt ’ s new offices are ideal for its growth plans
New home – The Baines Jewitt management team ( front , from left ) Mike Bigley , Trevor Cook , Jed Lester , Anne Cowley and Don Adams with their team outside their new premises at Falcon Court in Stockton .
Why Baines Jewitt ’ s new offices are ideal for its growth plans
bold new era beckons for a trusted accountancy firm thanks to its modern HQ and forward-thinking growth plans .
Chartered accountants and business advisers Baines Jewitt have been part of the Teesside landscape since 1907 .
The company in its current form took shape in 2004 , following the merger of two firms with long and proud histories – Baines Goldston and Jewitts .
A rambling terraced property on Yarm Lane in Stockton became “ home ” to the business in 1959 . However , increasingly unsuitable for the 2023 business landscape , a recent decision was made to move to modern , spacious premises at Falcon Court on Stockton ’ s Preston Farm Industrial Estate .
At the same time , approaches to buy the firm were rejected in favour of maintaining independence – another statement of intent .
One look around the firm ’ s new office premises shows that Baines Jewitt clearly means business when it comes to independently continuing its proud legacy , but in a modern setting .
THE NEED TO MOVE Moving office often prompts mixed feelings but for Baines Jewitt , there was little realistic alternative .
Its base for the past 64 years , the Yarm Lane premises served the firm well but had very little parking and an interior increasingly unsuitable for modern office working .
Long corridors and individual rooms severely restricted office interaction . And so , the search began in earnest for a new home – a search that ended successfully in May 2023 when the firm moved to a modern block previously occupied by an IT business .
Baines Jewitt director Don Adams , a chartered accountant who ’ s been with the firm for 34 years , says the switch was welcomed .
He told Tees Business : “ The old premises didn ’ t allow us to set the business out for where we wanted to take it .
“ It was a very imposing building in its day but over time , the general layout didn ’ t lend itself to modern working .
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