Tees Business Issue 33 | Page 92

Need for speed – go-karting was just one of the activities on offer as part of SABIC ’ s UMATTER campaign . Site director Jos Visser is pictured ( centre front ).


Looking after employees ’ wellbeing is top priority for chemical giant

Chemical firm SABIC has achieved Maintaining Excellence level status as an ambassador for the Better Health at Work Award for the eighth consecutive year .

This is one of the top awards for the scheme , which is a partnership between the NHS , TUC and local authorities to recognise the efforts of organisations in promoting healthy lifestyles to their employees .
SABIC ’ s Teesside site has taken part in the scheme for more than 10 years . The assessor congratulated the company on activities undertaken across several areas , including monthly health promotions , diversity and social value .
The desire to engage and inspire its employees led SABIC to undertake employee roadshows called UMATTER 22 on a global scale at the end of last year .
The Teesside venue for the events was the stunning Turner Pavilion , situated at Kirkleatham Walled Garden , which is close to SABIC ’ s operations at the Wilton Site .
The local UMATTER events were held over three separate dates , to enable shift workers to attend .
Employees had the opportunity to connect with each other and local leaders in a relaxed setting while learning about opportunities for their personal growth and development , as well as corporate topics such as SABIC ’ s environmental , social and governance principles .
Stand areas included health and wellbeing , sustainability , volunteering and career growth . There was plenty of interaction and a few surprises along the way – with appearances from a rap artist , comedian and caricaturist .
At the health and wellbeing stand , employees had the chance to try on “ beer goggles ”, which simulate the effects of being drunk , and then asked to walk along a straight line .
There was also a bar area to sample a range of non-alcoholic drinks such as gin , lager , wine , cider and prosecco .
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