Offshore opportunities – a number of green energy projects are coming to Teesside , including SeAH Wind ’ s turbine production plant at Teesworks .
Teesside can lead the way on energy transformation
Sarah Daun , partner at law firm Womble Bond Dickinson , talks about the exciting new energy opportunities coming to the Tees region …
As we embark on decades of climate action , significant change is needed from everyone to achieve the UK ’ s net zero targets . It is very clear that Teesside , as one of the most economically active regions in the UK and an industrial heartland , has a key role to play in achieving those targets
Teesside has an abundance of prime developable sites , established infrastructure that is already in situ , and a skilled workforce that is ready and able to support new projects .
These strong attributes , combined with Teesside ’ s industrial heritage , mean that energy transformation projects in the region have the potential to significantly influence the UK ’ s progress in battling the climate emergency , and become an example to follow in the UK and beyond .
Our region is already home to a significant number of energy transformation projects , and there are many more in progress , including those relating to the production of hydrogen , carbon capture schemes , the circular economy and lithium manufacturing .
Teesside is an extremely attractive proposition for these large-scale capital projects .
Teesside has a unique opportunity to connect and decarbonise our industries using innovative sustainable technologies . For example : the use of blue and green hydrogen for feedstock and utilities , the use of green energy from offshore wind and the capture storage and re-use of carbon dioxide .
By connecting our industrial cluster as closely as we can , we can reduce emissions , waste and resource consumption , for example , through logistics and material handling and using pipelines instead of transport .
In our many years advising businesses in the region , we have never seen such an uptick in enquiries from inward investors .
Many of our new projects involve the construction of plants or expansion projects , and are linked with energy and renewables , and several will supply into the region ’ s existing businesses .
There is a genuine societal shift towards sustainability and clean growth and the businesses moving into Teesside today can help the UK to achieve its net zero commitments .
Womble Bond Dickinson is uniquely placed to support these projects . Our firm has advised clients on Teesside for many years , including on some of the region ’ s most significant projects .
Our team is made up of senior lawyers who have unrivalled local knowledge , having supported recently on a range of projects .
This includes our work advising SeAH Wind
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