Tees Business Issue 33 | Page 79

New recruit Emily bolsters Atom Financial ’ s team – and more could follow
Growth – From left , Atom Financial ’ s co-owners and directors Matt Herrell and Matthew Fannan , with new finance administrator Emily Anderson , management accountant Claire Dove and head of Atom People Nathan Raine .


New recruit Emily bolsters Atom Financial ’ s team – and more could follow


growing financial and HR firm is continuing its search for the best talent – but “ bean counters ” needn ’ t apply !
That ’ s the message from Stocktonbased Atom Financial as it welcomes its latest recruit , finance administrator Emily Anderson .
Emily , 22 , from Hartlepool , had been working in finance admin for a care home group .
But she says the chance to progress her career , learn new skills and work with a wider range of clients convinced her Atom was the right move .
And in her first few weeks , she has already carried out a variety of tasks , including finance administration , payroll duties , meeting with clients to help with their bookkeeping , learning about Atom ’ s client base and networking to meet new clients .
She said : “ From my market research , there were no other roles like this as they were all pigeon-holed in a certain area . My role at Atom provides a wide range of finance exposure , alongside working with clients in many different industries .”
Certainly , Atom founders Matt Herrell and Matthew Fannan are delighted to have Emily on board – with more new faces to follow .
Matthew said : “ Working with businesses across such a wide range of sectors , we have to make sure we have the capacity to keep pace with our clients and continually offer the sort of guaranteed service they need .
“ Emily is exactly what we needed – she ’ s highly skilled and has exactly the right sort of character that will fit in perfectly at Atom . We know she can portray the right message for the company so clients feel comfortable dealing with us and trust what we can do for them .
“ As we continue to grow , we want to keep finding good people like Emily . We plan to grow throughout the year and look to attract the best finance talent out there .
“ But it ’ s all about the right fit , personality-wise – we don ’ t just want bean counters sitting quietly in the corner . We want really good people with the right attitude – bright , enthusiastic and who ’ ll come across well with our clients .”
Atom ’ s a relatively new firm – it only set up in summer 2021 – but its founders , Matt and Matthew , have a friendship of 20 years and a wealth of financial industry experience .
It offers the whole range of finance functions , including finance function as a service , financial forecasting and modelling , accountancy and tax services , financial due diligence and outsourced finance director .
As demand for their services grew , the staff were joined by management accountant Claire Dove , Nathan Raine , head of HR and payroll offshoot Atom People , and now Emily .
And driving their growth plans is a determination to ensure clients keep receiving the same hands-on , committed approach Atom believes in .
Matthew explained : “ Within the next few months , we ’ ll be looking to find another finance administrator and bookkeeper , but we ’ re going to get to the stage where we ’ re going to need someone more senior as well . Matt and I have a finite resource between us , as well as trying to run the business , so as we continue to grow , we ’ ll have to expand in all areas .
“ We have to make sure we have the capacity to keep pace with our clients ’ requirements and continue to offer the service we guarantee – the service that differentiates us from our competitors .
“ But we ’ ll be looking for people keen to get involved from start to finish – they aren ’ t just a person on the end of the phone .
“ A lot of firms that do what we do are remote and just do things in the background . We go to the client ’ s site , so we need people who are confident in dealing with business owners and management teams , other finance professionals ... we need dynamic people , basically .
“ Atom ’ s at a stage in our life cycle now where people know who we are and we ’ ve built up a strong reputation . We ’ re excited to work with some really interesting clients and help them make the most of every opportunity that comes their way .”
Visit atomfinancial . co . uk
The voice of business in the Tees region | 79