Key staff – Karen Maclane and Matthew Hart are two of SeAH Wind ’ s first recruits .
Key staff unveil SeAH Wind recruitment timeline
Two key staff behind the jobs drive at the SeAH Wind development have revealed the recruitment task ahead of the firm ’ s mammoth construction at Teesworks .
Piling work is well underway at the Teesworks South Bank site to pave the way for the vast 800-metre offshore monopile manufacturing facility .
South Bank resident Karen Maclane and Hartlepool ’ s Matthew Hart are leading the way in developing and growing the profile of SeAH Wind on Teesside .
Matthew joined SeAH in October 2022 and Karen joined in January 2023 .
“ We ’ ve been welcomed with open arms and the Koreans are great to work with ,” said Karen .
Karen is the talent acquisition partner for SeAH and will be a familiar face at jobs fairs across the Tees region in the coming
Redcar and Cleveland College is playing its part in upskilling a workforce to help tackle the UK ’ s 27m “ leaky homes ”, and in doing so challenge the climate and fuel crises .
The college has been announced as the Tees Valley ’ s official Retrofit Academy CIC Hub training partner – a move that will see retrofit courses rolled out that both upskill those already working in the trades and offer retraining opportunities for unemployed people .
“ Retrofit is the process of upgrading our existing homes to help make them more energy efficient ,” explained the college ’ s principal , Jason Faulkner .
“ But with energy leaking from residential properties said to be accounting for up to 28 per cent of the UK ’ s carbon emissions every year , there is a big job to be done
months . “ I ’ m very passionate about what SeAH Wind want to achieve and creating jobs and opportunities for people in our local area ,” she said .
Father-of-two Matthew , who was born and bred in Hartlepool , is SeAH ’ s HR manager .
The 45-year-old – who was a panellist for a Tees Business Live event at the Wilton Centre in January – began his career in IT before moving into HR almost 20 years ago at Garlands Call Centres ’ Hartlepool base .
Matthew explained that SeAH Wind has now set an office up in Teesside , where both Karen and he are based , along with their first intake of managers who will lead the business .
“ By mid-2024 we plan to have around 300 employees , and then circa 700 by 2026-7 , depending on our order book , when we will look to add additional shifts ,” he said .
New hub – pictured ( left to right ) are the Retrofit Academy CIC ’ s chief executive officer David Pierpoint and chief operating officer Jenny Pierpoint , with Redcar and Cleveland College principal Jason Faulkner .
when it comes to upgrading our homes .”
Retrofitting existing residential properties is one of the biggest challenges when it comes to reducing our carbon footprint .
The Retrofit Academy CIC is a not-forprofit organisation that is working with local authorities and colleges across the UK to create partnerships that will help meet its mission of training and developing 200,000 retrofitters by 2030 .
Jonathan Willett of Attis Insurance tells us why it ’ s so important to take a fresh look at your insurance cover to keep pace with a changing world ...
High levels of inflation over the past 12 to 18 months , and a worldwide manufacturing recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic , have brought challenges for all businesses .
They ’ ve also placed a renewed focus on the requirement for businesses to closely review both their sums insured for assets , including buildings , machinery and contents , as well as the maximum indemnity period against their business interruption policy .
The rising prices of materials and labour are driving the cost of buildings higher and higher .
That means the implications of under-insuring a building are even more serious than ever and could lead to property owners having to meet the shortfall of any insurance payment that will apply to losses , regardless of size . We are urging all property owners to undertake a thorough review of their sums insured , including taking professional advice from a Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors ( RICS ) surveyor in respect of their building valuations .
In addition to the increases in costs , supply chain problems throughout the world are leading to longer time periods being required to supply materials and parts across many sectors of the economy .
Items can easily be delayed , many manufacturers have backlogs and parts are not as readily available as they were .
Labour shortages result in longer manufacturing periods , and the war in Ukraine is causing both supply and logistical issues .
With this in mind , business owners should give additional attention to the time they will require business interruption insurance .
Where previously 24 months of cover may have been adequate , businesses need to ask themselves whether this is still suitable , given the current state of the markets .
The voice of business in the Tees region | 17