TeenMagazine - Dealing With Divorce March 2014 | Page 3


Why do Teenagers face this Issue?

- Lack of Commitment

- Argue a lot

- One parent is cheating on the other

- Unrealistic Expectations

- Lack of Equality

Barriers in Accessing Help

There are many barriers in trying to help, which can be both physical and emotional. Somd of these (which can be applicable to the types of help listed above) are:

- No phone credit/ not allowed to use home phone

- No access to the internet

- Embarrassment about your situation/ Fear of talking to people about it.

People and Places to get help

- Kids Helpline (Available 24/7) Phone: 1800 55 1800 or go to www.kidshelpline.com.au/teens/get-help/web-counselling/index.php to contact by email.

- The internet - There are many websites out there that can help you understand your rights within the divorce, and what choices you have, such as http://www.counselingcenter.illinois.edu/self-help-brochures/family-difficulties/your-parents-divorce/

- You could also talk to friends or other family members, possibly even your parents (although they may not be the best choice, as they are going through a hard time themselves and may not be as understanding as you'd like them to be). You could even talk to your teachers, or school councellor.