#TeenBeauty May 2016 | Page 10

When Beauty Hurts....

Maisie Beech, 19, thought she was doing something empowering when she posted a selfie of her face half done up with dramatic make-up, while keeping the other half make-up free

A British teenager who posted half make-up selfies to show the 'power of make-up' was shocked when she was bombarded by trolls who said she looked like she had cancer.

Maisie Beech, 19, thought she was doing something empowering when she posted a selfie of her face half done up with dramatic make-up, while keeping the other half make-up free.

But soon after posting, the photo quickly spread around the internet and reactions quickly turned mostly negative, much to the brave teen's disappointment.

The A-level student from Flemingston, Wales decided to take the picture with the aim of showing her love for wearing make-up, which she says she does only for herself and no one else.

The image was also meant to show her acceptable for her make-up free face as she doesn't rely on make up and will go bare-faced too.

Attack: Reactions quickly turned mostly negative, much to the 19-year-old's disappointment

Much to the teen's dismay, after she posted the images online people commented calling her ugly, scary and disgusting.

After seeing her make-up free side, some commenters even went as far to suggest she had cancer.

Maisie said: "Personally, I love putting makeup on, it's what I do for fun.

"I wanted to show that I like make-up and I wear it for myself, but I'll also happily get on the train brow-less if I want to.

"It's sad that this is how society is now.

"Make-up can and is a part of fashion and girls like to experiment and be creative, we don't wear make-up to hide our faces or deceive people.

"We don't wear make-up for other people, it's something we do for ourselves.

"Women shouldn't be criticised or called fake or unnatural for wearing make-up in the same way they shouldn't be called ugly if they're not wearing any."

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