Teen-vironment Volume 1 | Page 27

Unsual energy sources

Dead bodies


Many of us may find it hard to believe that dancing may also be a source of energy! The vibrations caused by our walking and dancing can be captured in order to light the dance floor for example. Certain materials referred to as “piezoelectric materials” are often used to capture these vibrations (Discovery News). Several countries have started integrating those discoveries and inventions into their night clubs, such as Club Watt in Rotterdam, Netherlands that incorporated the Sustainable Dance Floor (WebEcoist).


Chocolate not only increase our dopamine levels and boosts our moods, but it can also be used to form biofuel that can fill up car engines. Many cars are now being manufactured to run on biofuel, which can be formed by mixing chocolate with animal oils. It is very effective and not to mention eco-friendly (WebEcoist).

These are all interesting ways to find new energy. They are all harmless to the environment and are present in our daily lives. But many people will not pay much attention to them until their current sources of energy are too scarce for everyone to use. quarta decima et quinta decima. Eodem modo typi,

Urine and Faeces

Another unusual and rather disturbing source of energy is found in our feces and urine. Believe it or not, our waste contains a very powerful colorless, odorless gas that acts as natural gas, Methane (Discovery News). Many dairy farms have managed to save up to 60,000 dollars a year by using the methane to produce electricity, fertilizers, and other necessities. Also, methane found in human waste is thought to be able to fuel a car that can run up to 10,000 miles (Discovery Science).

Other sources

Another strange and possibly morbid source of energy is the heat released from the cremation of dead bodies. When a corpse is being cremated, the process generates certain gases that are very useful in heating systems. So scientists proposed that the thermal energy be captured and used in heating the crematoriums, since the energy is already being contained when the gases pass through the filters to remove the mercury in the deceased fillings (WebEcoist).