Teen-vironment Volume 1 | Page 24

The Megalodon

A close relative of today's white sharks, the Megalodon pretty much dominated the oceans at that time. It could grow up to 20 meters long and weigh up to 60 tons, almost six times larger than a T-rex! However, this creature is thought to have appeared long after the extinction of the dinosaurs (Listverse). Many still do suspect that it may have been seen by our earliest human relatives.

This creature is a possible inspiration for the Hollywood character King Kong, and might also be a corroborated idea for Bigfoot believers. Gigantopithecus is quite similar to the apes we see today; however it was far larger and stronger. It could grow up to 10 feet and weigh over 1,000 pounds (Marc). However, it is thought to have went extinct about 300,000 years ago (Listverse).


It is more than self-evident that the human race would have never survived in earlier ages, where dinosaurs and other vicious creatures inhabited the earth. Their enormous sizes and wildly untamable natures would have caused the human species to perish instantly. We are rather lucky to have not lived in that era, but it is still always a thrill to look back at what those creatures looked like and what they were truly capable of.

It is thought to be the largest and fiercest carnivorous dinosaur that has ever lived. It is thought to grow up to 18 meters long, weigh up to 10 tons, and had some kind of sail on its back that can grow taller than an adult man (Listverse).

The Spinosaurus

Monsters Extinct

-by Nadeen Ibrahim