Zero Emissions Vechiles by Gina Mohamed
Today with the increasing risk of health hazards because of different types of emissions such as light emissions, carbon emissions, motor vechile emissions
and etc...). Different types of emission affects the health negatively in tremendous ways. Motor vechile emissions are one of the most important types of
emissions as it affects the environment in various ways and on daily bases. Scientists have been investing a lot in researches and trying to come up with new
inventions o help people to save the environment. In relation with Motor emissions, Zero-emissions vechiles are designed to reduce this type of emission. Zero
emission vechile, or ZEV, is a vechile that does not emit tailpipe pollutants ( Motor vechile emission ) from the onboard sourceof power. Particulates (soot),
carbonmonoxide, hydrocarbons, lead,ozone and oxides of nitrogen are harmful pollutants to health and the environment and if ZEV can prevent some of these
pollutants to reduce the effect of this emissions on the environment. There is two popular types of zero emissions that are powered by humans, the first type
is the bycle which is battery electric vechile which typically shifts emissions to the place where electricity is generated. The second type is fuel cell vechiles
powered by hydrogen which shift emissions to the location where hydrogen is genetrated. In a similar manner, a ZEV doe not emit green house gases from the
onboard source of power at the point of operation. In addition to types listed above of zero emissions vechile, the ordinary bycles, recumbent bycles and
many other derivatives as velomobiles, freight bicycles and cabin bicycles are the most well known types of Zero emissions transport surface vechile. All of
the listed types of zero emissions vechile mentioned does not emit any of the pollutants stated before, nor carbondioxide gas during use. This of course is a
very important quality specially in densely populated areas, where the health of residents can be severly affected. On the other hand, the production of
hydrogen from fossil fuels that is used to power the zero emissions vechile may produce more emissions per mile than an ordinary vechile that operates with petrol.
Despite the drawback mentioned above about zero emissions vechiles, it is still scientifically proven that zero emissions vechiles are most suitable for the environment as vechiles that
uses fuel does not only harm the environment through emissions only but it damages the environment in countless ways
In conclusion, Zero emission vechiles are the best temprorary solution for saving the environment from the harmful and dangerous impacts that motor vechile emissions leave on the environment and people's health.