Teen Titans Magazine Vol. 5 Issue 3 Final Copy-3 | Page 7

Imagine that every time you look at a dog, you taste cheese. Or maybe you’re listening to a child practice their flute and you get a tickle on your right arm. Perhaps the word “cup” to you is purple! It sounds like something straight out of a Dr. Seuss book or out of a child’s imagination. Yet this wacky and weird condition is all too real. It’s called Synesthesia. Synesthesia is a condition in which one sense is accompanied with one or more of the five senses. The word Synesthesia comes from two Greek words, syn (meaning together) and aisthesis (meaning perception). Synesthesia literally means "joined perception." There are many different types of Synesthesia such as Grapheme Color Synesthesia, Chromesthesia, and some are more common than others, like Grapheme Color Synesthesia and Chromesthesia. Allow me to explain a few types of Synesthesia: - Grapheme Color Synesthesia: This is one of the most common types of Synesthesia. If you have this this version of Synesthesia, you associate certain characters with certain colors. One person might always see the letter “R” as if it were written in red, while another person may say the letter “R” is blue. Usually two people will not report the same color for letters and numbers. However, studies have shown that many synesthetes will see some letters the same way, for example, ‘A‘ is likely to be red. - Chromesthesia: Heard sounds automatically trigger an experience of color. This is also a very common type of Synesthesia as well. In this type of Synesthesia, sounds and colors are associated with each other. For example, the musical note "C" may correspond to seeing the color green. - Mirror-Touch Synesthesia: Individual feels the same sensation in response to someone else being touched. In better words, if you see someone getting tapped on the shoulder, you’ll feel it as well. This form is more on the rare side. This type of Synesthesia is very disruptive in a synesthetes life, as if they see someone else being injured, they themselves will also feel the pain. Vincent Van Gogh - Chromesthesia Lorde: Chromesthesia Billy Joel : Grapheme, Chromesthesia Stevie Wonder : Chromesthesia Pharrell Williams : Chromesthesia