Teen Network Magazine january issue | Page 6

Following the commitment pledge , the government has worked hard to promote and improve the access to family planning to meet the goals set , that is to have a reduced number of teenage pregnancy from 18 % - 12 % by 2020 , disbursement of free condoms at specific places mostly being institutions . It has also worked on reducing the prices of contraceptives for family planning reasons , the prices I believe are friendly to people , oral contraceptives go for not more than Ksh . 50 , Inject able contraceptive that can last for 1-3 months go for not more than Ksh . 100 , implants that can last up to 5 years go for Ksh . 500 favoring the low income earners in the society . Kenyans are advised to get a number of children they can manage , considering that the country ' s economy .
Despite all this there happen to be inequalities in getting health services among the people this are based on socioeconomic status , educational level , age , ethnicity , religious background and the resources around the environment . This is just like any other service that is offered , the better off you are in a community the higher and better your chances of getting satisfactory services . Places that are least developed for instance the interior parts of Kenya like Isiolo , Garissa , Moyale , Marsabit , Tana River , Lamu , Turkana , Pokot and many others . The people in these areas have little or no education ; they therefore will have little involvement in reproductive health issues , they see it at as something that is done in Western cultures .
Most are so traditional and cultured that they can ' t talk openly about issues relating to sex . They also believe that God wants them to have as many children as possible ; taming such , proves to be a problem . This places lack access to proper health facilities . Most cases on maternal and child mortality are from these areas , the mothers do not get to attend clinics during pregnancies , they do home deliveries increasing the risk of losing lives in cases of complications . Much has been done to rectify this say for instance the Beyond Zero Campaign by First Lady Margaret Kenyatta that has helped a lot of mothers and children , the program has a hand in the drop of new mother to child HIV infections by 50 % since 2013 that is from 12000 to 6600 it created awareness and helped solve many maternal and child HIV infections and mortality in Kenya .