Teen Network Magazine january issue | Page 24

MINING Commercial mining is an industry plagued by steep costs. Before drones, helicopters were used in operations supervision and site exploration. With drones; exploration, stoke pile, monitoring and equipment tracking has been done better in real time. It has also proven significant in improving complex operation from mine mapping to search and rescue. TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATION The UAVs have helped my mapping fine-scale damage that natural disaster do to bridges, roads and highway to prevent costly, dangerous infrastructure collapse. Railway companies and Union pacific used drones for regular inspection of tracks, bridges radio towers and power lines. ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY We can’t exhaust the number of benefits these sharp edge technology has brought to the industry. By camera mounting, the world has enjoyed a better aerial view of scenes, most notably; the art industry. Some of the movies shot using drones are Spectre (2015), Jurassic world (2015), Chappies, Captian America Civil War and The Expendables 3 which had 30 scenes shot by drones amongst others movies. In conclusion, drones have proven a trustworthy messenger and much more is to expect come 2018. Catch our next article on Tech Central as we take a look at major technology aspects in the market.