Teen Network Magazine january issue | Page 16

CHANGE Yaani imekuwa hard kuelewa how ni aje ile sauti ya change donda na mama mboga wanawezaskia ni customers wakiziitisha Na their million plus one body guards hawawezishikika Cases kwa courts judges wako paid off sa hawawezitishika Good wanasema ziko imported ni poor quality haziwezipikika Grass roots bado wanateseka While at the top pesa za country kwa your accounts mnaendelea kuziweka Shamba nazo kila mtu anaibiwa zaidi ya acre  All this tutaacha hapa in the life after kuzeeka Na hii gava imejaa uchafu tungeziwash off tukitaka but funny enough bei ya detergents pia zinapanda Taxes nazo zinaboom thinking of their after returns but wanasahau ule mathe anahustle kwa kibanda Hizi vitu ndogo zinatumess si funny anymore mbona hatuzioni All your manifestos tumeziskia sana msizirudie tena coz now we yawning  Path to the promised land iko just ahead of us but because of the wrong leaders bado we strolling  Wanaexpect tuweze kukimbiza our dreams na wanatunyima enough exposure so we still crawling Pretending kuwa wanaona brighter futures in our country yet they ain't dreamers  Hustling hard uliza our shoes, yet hamtujali mnatry kuona nani atakuwa fast kuown that latest beemer  Mnatublind sana ile future tuliona ikiwa bright sahii inaendelea kuwa deamer  Na we ain't infected na any diseases so sielewi mbona mnatupima Ati power to the people na si ati ni kila mtu ako na access ya stima Still hustling on how to gather them votes na their roads to power  Ndio wakiweza next agenda shamba kuzigawa Hii leadership ndio our disease na still nahope kuna mtu an a research hiyo dawa Kenyans tumekuwa ripped off everything hata our pride  Forcing their way up leadership yet none of them anaweza kutuguide  Leaders come from God sa sijui ni law gani mmekuwa mkiabide Then ndio tough times zikija in other countries mnaenda kuhide Agric sector Imeasahaulika lands zimegeuka brown ungethani zimekuwa dyed  Fixed on the same spot Kenya hatusongi kumbe kwa post ya corruption tulishakuwa tied  Sa si ni hiyo change bado tunasaka At least mayouth waache kuwa lit na Kenyan motto ya pamoja tumakesure Imewaka Waache kustone at least economy pia iwache kudrag Na kwa hii disease as Kenyans we all face Christ ndio the only required drug          @iznamiq