Teen Depression May 2014 | Page 16

Discovering that passion was to help people/ preventing harm made me find out who I am and who I will be in the future - focusing how much my abilities will allow me to do for others. I was still trying to find myself and this magazine helped me realize who I am and what made me different, but this magazine showed me that I'm different, I am unique, original, me and that who I have always wanted to be and I am now realizing it. I want you (the reader, audience, teens) to see yourself differently and not as what you want someone to see you, they aren't you and you make your own decision. You are unstoppable against the world, because you are who you want to be and no one can take that away from you. Thank you for reading this magazine and how it will and has helped you as it has to me.


Sorvino Nguyen <3

Final Reflection