Dear readers,
welcome, I'm Kayla, Known as Kay Couture on youtube & The CEO and founder of teen chic online mag. (TCM).
I started this online mag. three weeks ago and it has really opened my eyes to alot of things.
For starters, attacking people or saying rude things to them doesn't make me a good person or anything. It makes myself and others look bad for even thinking of doing it.
Another, keep your word.
Always make sure everything you say can be backed up. Personally I do that alot when it comes to choosing models or who I'm gonna let appear in an issue.
Finally, acceptance. Accepting everything that people bring to the table. No matter if your white, black, tan, pale, bald, long hair, bearded, we are all beautiful in our own special ways & the day we find out, the day we can truly have inner peace within ourseleves and others.
- I thought I would just say hello, and welcome to the new & improved Teen Chic Mag.
xoxo, Kayla H.