From TheEditor
Kansas City ’ s Longest Running Monthly Golf Magazine
Bill Cromwell , Editor-in-Chief TEE TIMES GOLF GUIDE™ Magazine
Golfers Suffer SAD Symptoms
Yes , the fall equinox happens on 9 / 22 / 24 , which means less daylight and fewer hours for golf — bummer ! Once again , this year , I ask myself , where did summer go , and did I play enough golf ? No , I did not ! If work didn ’ t get in the way , then the days I could play featured 110-degree heat indexes . Not ideal ! Wow , July and August were hot !
It ’ s the time of year when I and many golfers feel the symptoms of SAD ( Seasonal Affective Disorder ) due to less daylight and fewer hours for golf . Soon , darkness will arrive at about 5 p . m ., and it becomes challenging to beat it when sneaking away from the office in the afternoon for a quick 18 holes of golf . While late-day fall golf can be awesome with the cooler temperatures , squinting to see the flags on holes 16 , 17 , and 18 becomes a race to get off the course before dark . Plus , the guy at the cart barn gives you that annoyed look for making him work so late . That makes him SAD !
SAD is a real thing . According to the Mayo Clinic , “ The reduced sunlight affects not only the natural circadian rhythm but also the Melatonin and Serotonin production levels .” And , “ If you ’ re like most people with SAD , your symptoms start in the fall and continue into the winter months , depleting your energy and making you feel moody .” Symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder ( SAD ) include :
● A persistent low mood .
● A loss of pleasure or interest in normal everyday activities .
● Feeling irritable , despair , guilt , and worthlessness .
● Low self-esteem .
● Feeling stressed or anxious and tearful .
● A reduced sex drive due to a lack of golf .
Many golfers choose to remedy SAD this time of year by planning golf getaways to warmer climates where they can play golf all day . It helps them revitalize normal golf activities , hence lifting their mood and self-worth and elevating irritability , despair , guilt , and low Lobito . Simply playing more golf offers untold health benefits . The challenge is convincing your wife and boss that you need a fall or winter golf getaway . Tell them you suffer from SAD , and you ’ ll be a better person after your golf getaway . To help , we ’ ve featured Alabama golf getaway options on page 16 .
If you can ’ t make a golf getaway , work on your SAD symptoms here in the Midwest by booking late-morning tee times when you can be done by 3 p . m . If the only option is late afternoon tee times , just don ’ t dillydally , or you ’ ll be rushing to beat sunset . Squinting to see the flags on the greens of the last few holes as dusk creeps could make you feel irritable , stressed , anxious , or tearful . Don ’ t let it make you SAD –– It ’ s Fun !
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Tee Times Golf Guide™ Inc . Mailing Address : P . O . Box 485 , Grain Valley , MO 64029 Corporate Office : 816.886-9017
Publisher , Bill Cromwell , Editor-in-Chief For Advertisement Placement and News / Article Requests Editor @ TeeTimesMagazine . com
Managing Editor Victoria Cromwell , VP @ TeeTimesGG . com
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6 September 2024 TEE TIMES GOLF GUIDE