TEE TIMES GOLF GUIDE Magazine May-2023 | Página 6

From The Editor

Bill Cromwell , Editor-in-Chief TEE TIMES GOLF GUIDE™ Magazine
Kansas City ’ s Longest Running Monthly Golf Magazine

Hooray , It ’ s May !

That ’ s right , as if you need reminding , it ’ s May , and that means the March and April aerification of the greens should be healed or close to and now rolling great — ready for you to drain those forty-foot putts for eagle . Plus , the April showers have made the fairways plush and green , so there are no excuses for bad lies , well , unless we miss the fairways . Nevertheless , it ’ s fun to have the ball fluffed up and ready for a clean shot at greens in reg .

Okay , I won ’ t ask a dumb question like : Did you watch the Masters ? Who didn ’ t ? What a great tournament ! What amazed me , besides the fantastic golf , was the massive crowds despite the nasty weather . At times , it appeared as though millions of golf fans smothered the golfers . It makes LIV events look like the minor league . I think the PGA TOUR purposely schedules the Masters in April to get us weekend warriors fired up to hit the links in mass come May . It worked ; courses are packed , and I ’ m fired up , chomping at the bit for the next tee time .
The first tee ’ s staging areas will soon fill with golfers digging golf balls out of dusty golf bags and brushing the cobwebs off their clubs as they prepare to tee up the first shot of the year .
The Top Five Signs It ’ s Spring for Golfers : 5 . There ’ s a guy wearing shorts , and it ’ s only 40 degrees . 4 . It ’ s the first round this year , so frequent Mulligans and Breakfast balls are announced as acceptable . 3 . I would have made that putt — if the green wasn ’ t recently aerified . 2 . I would have hit that shot further , but I ’ m using cheap golf balls today — I don ’ t want to lose that $ 5 ProV1 just yet .
# 1 . It ’ s my first round of the year , so my excuses with long explanations of each and every horrific shot on every stinking hole are 100 % justified !
I ’ m sure you have a few that you could add to the list .
Seriously , don ’ t take the early season or the first round as a grim outlook for the remainder of the season . You ’ ll need time to regain the good swings and feel for your short game — especially from 100 yards to the cup . With a few more rounds , you will improve and tally lower scores . If not , please take a few lessons — they ’ ll cost you a lot less than losing all those expensive ProV1s . Plus , we won ’ t need to wait on you as you look for those family heirlooms lost in the weeds . It ’ s lost ; move on !
May is also a great month to introduce someone to golf . Take Mom golfing ; she might enjoy it . If you want to fill the afternoon on Mother ’ s Day , May 14 , grab some clubs and take Mom out for some fresh air in a beautiful setting .
Let ’ s not forget our kids — our future junior golfers . Introduce your aspiring junior golfer to the game through junior leagues and / or golf camps this month . You ’ ll find a few options for junior golfers on pages 29 and 30 .
Most of all , remember you ’ re outdoors , and it ’ s a perfect 70-degree golf day . Take in the day , the game , and the friends , and enjoy your day on the course . Who knows , you might birdie a few holes or better yet , eagle the par-5 18th — it doesn ’ t get much better than that !
Our Mission — To Promote Golf 365 Days a Year .
Tee Times Golf Guide™ Inc . Mailing Address : P . O . Box 2196 , Independence , MO 64055 Corporate Office ( new 01 / 23 ): 816.886-9017
Publisher , Bill Cromwell , Editor-in-Chief Advertisement Placement and News / Article Requests Editor @ TeeTimesMagazine . com
Managing Editor Victoria Cromwell , VP @ TeeTimesGG . com
Creative Designers , Graphic Arts , Photography Bill and Victoria Cromwell
● Roving Course Analyst : Mike Hull and Ron Underwood
● Field Ambassador : Deanie Olinger
Our Team of the Best Contributing Golf Writers in KC Alan Hoskins — Lead Feature Writer Gianna Augustine — Golf Tips & Instructional Articles John Baccala — Professional Golf Course Profiler Ann Butenas — Midwest Section PGA News Eddie Hall — Equipment Reviews & Clubfitting Tips Courtney ( Mahon ) Gildea , LPGA — Golf Tips & Instruction Baile Stephenson — Central Links Golf & Junior Golf News Guest PGA — Golf Tips & Instruction
Association News Features : CLG ( Central Links Golf Association ) – Monthly News Midwest Section PGA News – Adam Greeno , Executive Director GCSAA ( Golf Course Superintendents Association of America ) – News
Tee Times Golf Guide Magazine offers a monthly Kansas City golf magazine that is distributed throughout western Missouri , eastern Kansas and the Lake of the Ozarks area . Printed copies are found at nearly 300 locations including public and private golf courses , driving ranges , golf stores , restaurants , sports bars , resorts , hotels and many other select locations . In addition , the magazine is offered online as an inter-active E-magazine at www . TeeTimesMagazine . com .
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