Prepare for Spring Golf by
Playing Better Golf
Prepare for Spring Golf by
Cleaning Your Grips
by Bill Cromwell
If you golf once or twice per week throughout the year , then it ’ s always best to replace your grips at the beginning of a new golf season . If you golf just a few times per month , then you should at least clean your grips before the first round of the year .
Far too many golfers go too long without replacing their grips and that can cause big problems with your shot-making accuracy . If you don ’ t have the time to replace your old grips before you head out to the course this spring , then take 30 minutes and give them a good spring cleaning .
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As with cleaning clubheads , which you should do after every shot , there are a couple ways to clean your golf grips . You can give them a quick cleaning with a spray of mild cleanser , such as Windex , and scrub with a soft brush , then wipe off with a clean cloth and let dry .
For a deep cleaning , getting off all the grime and oils that build up from our hands , you ’ ll need a mild dishwashing detergent , a soft brush , two clean cloths , one to use wet and the other used to dry . You ’ ll also be washing off the chemicals you pick up from the golf course .
Insert a stopper in your kitchen sink or use a five-gallon container . Squirt a little ( not the entire bottle ) dishwashing detergent into the container , then fill it with warm ( not hot ) water . Swish around creating a lot of suds .
Only wash one grip at a time ( do not soak them or you ’ ll fill the shaft with water ). Use the wet cloth to grab some suds , and then rub the suds onto the grip using the wet towel . A very soft bristle brush may help for really dirty grips .
Rinse each grip under cool water to rinse off the detergent . Be careful not to soak the grip by over rinsing — a light rinse is all that ’ s needed .
Using the dry cloth , dry each grip as soon as it is rinsed off . Check the shafts at this time and if water has gotten onto the shafts , dry them as well . Stand the clubs with grip toward the floor and let them air dry .
It is best to clean your grips a day or two before your plan to golf — letting them air dry over night . The next time you tee-it-up , you ’ ll feel like you have new grips , and will likely lose fewer golf balls and shoot more pars .
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