TEE TIMES GOLF GUIDE Magazine March 2023 | Page 14

Rules Knowledge

The Most Debated Among Golfers ... The Provisional Ball & Lost Ball Rules

Perhaps one of the most debated Rules of Golf among everyday golfers are the “ Lost Ball ” and / or “ Provisional Ball ” rules . Too often golfers seem to debate these rules with various interpretations , which often leads to arguments when skins are on the line . Perhaps , Todd Stice , the Director of Rules and Competitions for Central Links Golf association can best add some clarity for those confused golfers .

Provisional Ball Rule ( as Todd Stice explains it .)
Question : Player A hits his provisional ball prior to finding his original ball , laying one ( 1 ) before three ( 3 ) minutes of search time have elapsed . Player A hits a ball into a wooded area and correctly plays a provisional into the fairway . After one ( 1 ) minute of search , he says , “ That ball is lost , I am playing my provisional .” However , as he is walking towards the provisional , he finds the original ball in the fairway and under three ( 3 ) minutes . Which ball is in play ?
Once the player puts another ball in play under penalty of strokeand-distance ( and does not announce that they are playing a provisional ball ) ( see Rule 14.4 ):
● The original ball is no longer in play and must not be played .
● This is true even if the original ball is then found on the course before the end of the three-minute search time ( see Rule 6.3b ).
But this does not apply to a ball to be played from where the previous stroke was made when the player :
● Announces that they are playing a provisional ball ( see Rule 18.3b ), or
● Is playing a second ball in stroke play under Rule 14.7b or 20.1c ( 3 ).
Stroke-and-Distance Alternative Local Rule
Answer : Since a ball cannot be declared lost and if the ( declared ) provisional ball is not played from a spot closer to the hole than where the original ball is , the original remains in play with no penalties .
Todd Stice is the Director of Rules and Competitions for Central Links Golf Competitions in the Kansas City area . He is also the Chief Rules Official in all local competitions , including USGA Qualifiers and Regional Championships , Big 12 Match Play , and Stroke Play Championships . Todd ’ s main passion is for the Rules of Golf and will talk to anyone about the Rules at any time ! Submit your Rules question for Todd to answer at todd @ clgolf . org .
The following is a detailed understanding from the USGA regarding Stroke-and-Distance and Lost Balls .
Rule 18.1 Relief Under Penalty of Stroke-and-Distance Allowed at Any Time
At any time , a player may take stroke-and-distance relief by adding one penalty stroke and playing the original ball or another ball from where the previous stroke was made ( see Rule 14.6 ). ( Please Note : That means , if you take stroke-and-distance relief , then when you hit the next shot , you are now hitting your 3rd shot .)
The player always has this stroke-and-distance relief option :
● No matter where the player ’ s ball is on the course , and
● Even when a Rule requires the player to take relief in a certain way or to play a ball from a certain place .
Drop here on fairway edge .
What about Lost Balls ?
Fairways and Rough ( General Area ) Lost Ball
Q . I can ’ t find my ball after searching for three ( 3 ) minutes – what are my options ?
A . If you can ’ t find your ball within three minutes , it is lost . Because it is lost , you must return to the spot of your previous stroke and play another ball from there for one penalty stroke ( see Rule 18.2b ).
March and April can offer some of the best golf weather of the year . Time to tee-it-up , and if you or your opponent loses or hits a golf ball out of bounds , or lost , you ’ ll know what to do . Enjoy your day on the course — it ’ s better than working !
See more USGA Rules of Golf and clarifications at www . usga . org .