From TheEditor
Bill Cromwell , Editor-in-Chief
To LIV or Not
ve made a few comments about LIV golf in past editorials , but not many , other than my May editorial when after watching the Masters , I compared seeing the massive crowds despite the nasty weather appear as though millions of golf fans smothered the golfers , which made LIV events look like the minor league . LIV players ( professionals ) allowed to play in shorts only cheapened my experience further . I realize , we mere mortals play in shorts , but I expect a higher perceived value when it comes to professional sports . Meaning looking professional , not like weekend golfers .
Those perceptions pale compared to the recent news everyone has repeatedly heard in mainstream media about the PGA TOUR merging with the LIV Golf League . The name alone takes me back to my shorts issue — it ’ s branded as a “ League ,” not “ Tour .” Armatures play in leagues ( in shorts ). Pros play in Tour events ! Fans expect professionalism in all aspects , from attire to beyond-human performances — golf shots that we weekend hackers only wish we could make . Wow , that was an incredible shot ! And the thousands in the stands still scream with roars rolling across the fairways . That ’ s the PGA TOUR I tune in to every weekend with expectations to be thrilled for the next six hours of TV time !
For me to make comments about the PGA TOUR merging with LIV would be asinine because , frankly , I don ’ t have an educated understanding of what the heck is happening . My simpleton reaction is only — Why ? I ’ m left feeling like “ someone ” within the PGA corporate structure caved and decided , well , if we can ’ t beat them , let ’ s join them . Still , WHY ?
A man who can address the subject more eloquently than I is Tom Watson . Watson wrote a 1,042-word “ Open Letter ” to Jay Monahan , the PGA TOUR ’ s Board , his fellow players , and the public , which he posted to Twitter on June 19 . If you have not already read it , you must . Simply search the phrase “ Tom Watson Open Letter to PGA TOUR .”
Mr . Watson , in part , said , “ Clearly , the Tour ’ s traditional business model was threatened by LIV . The upstart tour created unprecedented obstacles and battles of both moral and financial consequence .
… I ’ ve been involved with in my 50 plus years as a member of the Tour . The Commissioner and the PGA Tour Board , on which five Tour players sit , are going to have to do a lot of firsthand explaining to comfortably coax acceptance with our membership on this partnership with the PIF . The Tour ’ s stakeholders : the Players themselves , the broad span of global media , as well as the tournament sponsors and independent Tour partners , require an explanation of the benefits of forming this partnership .
There are many unanswered questions to date , which I hope will be addressed with the players by Tour management at this week ’ s Traveler ’ s Tour event [ as of press time , we do not know if that happened ]. What does acceptance of this partnership mean to the Tour ? What do we get ? What do we give up ? Why was this deal done in such secrecy and why wasn ’ t even one of the players who sits on the Tour ’ s Policy Board included ? A matter this profound deserves thorough vetting by a representative group of stakeholders , which include those , who in the end , define the public image and emotional connection with the PGA Tour .”
Mr . Watson has more questions and asks for answers . It ’ s a great read and an informative viewpoint from a lifelong professional golfer of the highest caliber . He speaks not only to his fellow professionals but also considers what I spoke to earlier — a fan ’ s “ emotional connection with the PGA Tour .”
Meanwhile , this month celebrate our independence to play golf wherever we want and as often as we damn well please , right here in the good ole USA on America ’ s best courses .
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