TEE TIMES GOLF GUIDE Magazine JULY-2023 | Page 22

Pro Tips

School ’ s Out , What to Do Now ?

Take Your Kids Golfing by Courtney Mahon , LPGA

Summer has arrived and the kids will be anxious to get outside and on the course — at least we hope so . Let ’ s face it , golf can be a difficult sport to learn , and can drive all of us to the brink at times . Here are my top five recommendations to keep our junior golfers itching to play and enjoy golf this summer .

Make It Fun !
No one should be surprised to see this listed as number one . Over the past several years , junior golf has continued to grow and develop , providing our athletes with programs and equipment to make the game more enjoyable . The Littlest Golfer , SNAG Golf equipment , PGA Junior Series , U . S . Kids Golf , and $ 5 golf programs like Youth On Course ( see page 30 ) have made a tremendous impact on junior golf development . Kids will look forward to the game of golf if we can continue to provide unique and memorable experiences to them .
Courtney teaching the golf swing and fundamentals with SNAG golf equipment . The oversized SNAG clubs make it easy for kids to make good contact . ( Greg Dunivant Photography )
2 . Let your Inner Child Show This is your chance to be a kid again — your chance to feel young ! A motivated coaching staff along with the encouragement of a parent can make all the difference in the success of a junior golfer learning the “ game .” If we aren ’ t having fun , how can we expect our kids to have fun ?
3 . Self-Discovery Create a learning environment where children are inspired to learn something new through the process of trial and error . Kids will take ownership of their skill set when they feel as though they ’ ve figured it out for themselves .
4 . Fun Competitions Competitions and games are important for an athlete ’ s growth and development . This can be something as simple as creating games such as hitting golf balls toward a 100-yard flag marker , at your local range to putting games at the course all the way to competing in U . S . Kids Golf or the junior club championship .
5 . Get on Their Level Communicate to young athletes on their level . Kids appreciate being treated like one of the regulars . Participate in games they enjoy , offer some of your own insight , and don ’ t forget to pick up a root beer for them at the 19th hole !
I encourage parents to find a golf program and a coach that will provide a positive “ fun ” atmosphere , where your child ’ s imagination will be challenged and introduced to new concepts . This game offers a multitude of life-long benefits to our junior golfers and we should all continue to encourage participation in some form . Taking your child along with you to the course is a good start . Remember , fun and games !
Coach Courtney
Courtney ( Mahon ) Gildea is a LPGA Class A professional and Director of Instruction at Tour Striker Golf Academy Midwest at Falcon Ridge Golf Club . Awarded a Top 50 U . S . Kids Tour teacher for 2017- 2019 . For questions or help , contact her at Courtney @ TourStriker . com or call 913.393.4653 . Scan the QR Code for direct link to lesson videos and review them while you are on the range . Lesson videos at www . youtube . com / courtneymahongolf .