TEE TIMES GOLF GUIDE Magazine August 2023 | Page 6

From The Editor

Bill Cromwell , Editor-in-Chief
Kansas City ’ s Longest Running Monthly Golf Magazine

August is the time of year when we evaluate our golf game and reflect on how many rounds we played to this point . Did we improve our scores and play enough rounds , or did summer go by in a blur , and none of the above happened ? It ’ s hard to believe that we are already almost through our summer golf days . I certainly did not play enough golf , there ’ s that work thing . I must confess , on the days I was able to sneak away from work in the afternoons and play , it was so blazing hot , I was just not motivated enough to endure that kind of heat .

Hopefully , August will offer more days with tolerable temperatures , less work , and more rounds of golf . On a good note , high heat and lack of rain meant less mowing . Still , more golf would have been nice because , before we know it , it will be freezing cold .
The temperatures and lack of rain in June and July have also been tough on golf course superintendents and the turf they struggle to maintain . During such times , it ’ s important more than ever that we all help take care of the courses we play . The course maintenance staff must water more often and spray greens in the afternoon to keep them cool , or they will burn up and die . No golfer wants that ! When you see staff hosing down a green , be patient , don ’ t fire a golf shot at them while they ’ re on the green trying to keep it nice ( and alive ) for you . Let them finish , then hit your approach shot .
While waiting , make sure that you are staying cool and keeping yourself hydrated as well . Having someone in my group pass out from heat stroke is very annoying . I must stop playing , tie them on the back of the cart , and drag them all the way back to the clubhouse . It ’ s so annoying !
Fairways and the rough also take a beating during excessive heat . Sprinkler systems do not always reach the rough — they are meant to keep fairways green and alive . If you are riding in a cart , keep the cart in the fairways and not in the rough as much as possible . Many courses prefer that you enter the fairway and stay there until you reach the green and then exit . Traffic driving on the rough during hot and very dry periods will beat it down and eventually kill the grass .
A golf etiquette reminder . Golf courses are busier than ever , and tempers can also heat up on hot days . Players should maintain their cool . Be aware of the groups around you and your pace of play . If you have lost sight of the group that tee off just before you on the first tee , then you ’ ve fallen behind and are now holding up the course . Pick up your pace and catch up with the group ahead of yours . Being courteous to golfers behind and in front of you is good golf etiquette . Be cool , and at the end of the day , everyone will go home happy and ready to tee it up again tomorrow .
“ In golf , the customs and etiquette and decorum are as important as the rules of play .” ~ Bobby Jones
Play more , have fun , and practice good golf etiquette .
Our Mission — To Promote Golf 365 Days a Year .
Tee Times Golf Guide™ Inc . Mailing Address : P . O . Box 2196 , Independence , MO 64055 Corporate Office ( new 01 / 23 ): 816.886-9017
Publisher , Bill Cromwell , Editor-in-Chief Advertisement Placement and News / Article Requests Editor @ TeeTimesMagazine . com
Managing Editor Victoria Cromwell , VP @ TeeTimesGG . com
Creative Designers , Graphic Arts , Photography Bill and Victoria Cromwell
● Roving Course Analyst : Mike Hull and Ron Underwood
● Field Ambassador : Deanie Olinger
Our Team of the Best Contributing Golf Writers in KC Alan Hoskins — Lead Feature Writer Gianna Augustine — Golf Tips & Instructional Articles John Baccala — Professional Golf Course Profiler Ann Butenas — Midwest Section PGA News Eddie Hall — Equipment Reviews & Clubfitting Tips Courtney ( Mahon ) Gildea , LPGA — Golf Tips & Instruction Baile Stephenson — Central Links Golf & Junior Golf News Guest PGA — Golf Tips & Instruction
Association News Features : CLG ( Central Links Golf Association ) – Monthly News Midwest Section PGA News – Adam Greeno , Executive Director GCSAA ( Golf Course Superintendents Association of America ) – News
Tee Times Golf Guide Magazine offers a monthly Kansas City golf magazine that is distributed throughout western Missouri , eastern Kansas and the Lake of the Ozarks area . Printed copies are found at nearly 300 locations including public and private golf courses , driving ranges , golf stores , restaurants , sports bars , resorts , hotels and many other select locations . In addition , the magazine is offered online as an inter-active E-magazine at www . TeeTimesMagazine . com .
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