TEE TIMES GOLF GUIDE Magazine April 2024 | Page 30

Junior Golf News

Grand Summit Golf & Country Club

Invites Juniors to Enroll in its

2024 PGA Jr . Leagues

Grand Summit Golf and Country Club invites junior golfers to participate in its PGA Jr . Golf League . The league offers six weeks of practices and play days for junior golfers ages five to 17 and of all skill levels –– from beginners to High School Varsity golfers . Practices will be held on Monday evenings , ( you may special request to have your junior practice on Wednesdays .) Each practice session will be 90 minutes . Student to teacher ratio is 5 to 1 . Matches will be played on Sundays in the afternoon . 17U Matches will be played in a Two- Person Best Ball format .

Grand Summit ’ s 2024 PGA Jr . Leagues are now taking enrollments for spring leagues .
Coach – Charlie Mahon , PGA 17U League ( ages 14-17 )
• Registration Period : January 11 - May 31
• Schedule starts : May 13
13U League ( ages 5-13 )
• Registration Period : January 11 - May 31
• Schedule starts : May 15
• Cost ( either league ): $ 365 Per Player ( Includes the $ 266 coach fee , $ 99 Annual PGA Jr . League Membership , plus a 5 % processing fee .)
at Grand Summit
What ’ s Included
• Six 90-minute practice sessions focusing on Full Swing , Pitching , Chipping , and Putting .
• Six Matches played on Sundays
• PGA Team Kit
• End of the Year Parent-Junior Play Day
What can players expect from the PGA Jr . League experience ?
Welcoming Environment
PGA Jr . League believes that every child can be a golfer . From those who are brand new to the game to more competitive players ; all skill levels are invited to learn and play in this welcoming environment .
Fun Teams
Teamwork is the heart and soul of the PGA Jr . League . Kids play on teams in a scramble format and wear numbered jerseys , supporting and learning from one another to develop skills that translate on and off the course .
Expert Coaching
PGA Jr . League experiences are led by expert PGA and LPGA Coaches . They are PGA professionals committed to safety , care , organization , and ultimately helping children learn and enjoy a sport they can play for a lifetime .
To Register and Play in the Grand Summit PGA Jr . Golf League , visit www . pgajrleague . com . ( Once at the website , click “ Find Programs ” and then see “ Grand Summit ” leagues .) Call 816-331-3978 if you have any questions .
Location : Grand Summit Golf and Country Club at 15101 Grand Summit Blvd Grandview , MO 64030 . Instruction provided by Coach Charlie Mahon , PGA ( photo on left ) 816-331-3978 .
Other programs at public access courses within the Kansas City Metro include :
Unity Village Golf Course , Lee ’ s Summit , MO Shamrock Hills , Lee ’ s Summit , MO Tiffany Greens , Kansas City , MO Sykes / Lady , Overland Park , KS Prairie Highlands , Olathe , KS
Scan QR to find PGA Nearby Kansas City area :
Jr . League courses .
DUNCAN HILLS , Savannah , MO
Eldon Golf Club , Eldon , MO ( Lake of the Ozarks area ) ( Note : There are numerous Kansas City-area private golf clubs offering PGA Jr . Leagues . Check with your club or www . pgajrleague . com for more information .)
Find a PGA Jr . League and register a play at www . pgajrleague . com .