Tecnologías Alternativas Para El Tratamiento De Aguas Residuales. TECNOLOGÍAS ALTERNATIVAS PARA EL TRATAMIENTO | Page 17
accused of counterfeiting in 1619 causing him to be on the move
again, ending up back in Middleburg in 1621.
A year after the death of Janssen's first wife in 1624, he married
Anna Couget from Antwerp, who was the widow of a Willem Jansen
(probably a relative of Janssen). He moved to Amsterdam in
November 1626 with a profession of a spectacle maker, but was
bankrupt by 1628. Janssen has been given a death date as late as
1638 although his sister said he was dead in 1632 testimony and his
son Johannes declared his parents had died by the time of his
marriage in April 1632.
Janssen has been associated with the invention of the microscope of
a single lens (simple) and of the compound (of two or more lenses). It
is said that he built a 9-magnification instrument, which is sometimes
claimed to have been made with the help of his father (or even built
entirely by the latter), 10 with an invention date commonly given as
159011 12 (or sometimes 1595), while trying to find a way to get even
bigger magnification glasses to help people with severely defective