TechWatch July 2023 | Page 8


When Is Marketing To Blame When Sales Don ’ t Happen ?


My philosophy about marketing is , and always has been , that if I spend a dollar on marketing today , I should be able to directly point to a sale and tangible ROI from that investment as quickly and efficiently as possible . In my world , we don ’ t count hashtags , likes , friends , and followers as “ success .” Only dollars generated in sales from new customers count , and every dollar you spend should directly support the goal of driving profitable customers in the door and additional revenue from existing clients .

However , the simple reality is that marketing can ’ t always get that job done on its own . At some point , a salesperson needs to answer the call , book the appointment , conduct the demo or consultation , and ultimately , close the sale . Thinking that a great marketing plan will instantly produce more sales is asking it to do too much — a bridge too far .
In many cases , marketing is blamed for the failings of the sales team . “ The leads were weak ” is a very common complaint of crybaby sales reps who only want leads who are “ buyers in heat ,” showing up with a check in hand and unbridled enthusiasm about buying today .
And while marketing can certainly produce some leads that fit that criterion , it significantly limits the number of opportunities you ’ ll get , filtering out anyone who has a question , concern , or desire to talk to someone first before they buy . Candidly , if my marketing could produce those kinds of leads , I wouldn ’ t have a need for professional salespeople . I could hire administrative assistants to simply process the orders .