Welcome ,
John Lennon once said to “ count your age by friends , not years .” With me personally having 31 years in the technology industry , and our team at Quinn Technology Solutions having been in business for over a decade , we have certainly amassed a collection of clients , colleagues , and partners that we consider friends ! And this brand new magazine we are curating is meant to provide a resource and community for them to gain insight and inspiration to be a better business owner , leader , and in some ways , friend .
I started Quinn Technology Solutions in 2013 to help my business “ friends .” I had worked for some large corporations in their IT departments ( most notably Pfizer ) and also had spent some time working at smaller technology consulting firms . I could never get past the fact that small businesses were not getting the technology help , advice , and solutions they deserved . Whether it was them getting pushed aside for “ bigger fish ” or not being shown solutions that could help them , small businesses were grossly underserved by technology vendors . I decided to do something about it and help as many friends as I could . So I started Quinn Technology Solutions .
This same drive and determination to help the small business community I love is what made me decide to publish this magazine . I ’ m hoping that we can provide you with general business insights because , over the years , we have received valuable business information from our vast network that I feel compelled to share with our community and our peers , and I aim to do that with this magazine .
Even though we live and breathe technology at Quinn , we don ’ t want this magazine to be all about technology . I get it . Not everyone is as excited about technology as we are ! So we will be giving you content that is interesting and that will add value from a business perspective ( as well as some tech thrown in there occasionally — we can ’ t help it ).
We love connecting with business owners in our area and turning these connections into clients and friends . I firmly
believe that these relationships can serve to improve all of us and our community . Business owners helping business owners !
Speaking of help , I am on a personal mission right now to help our community of business owners with compliance . At some point in the next few years , the federal government or the state governments are going to start pushing compliance on all businesses , and I want you to be ahead of the curve in order to avoid fines , potential lost business , and legal issues .
To help with this , we ’ re rolling out a new compliance program for clients and friends . Whether you are currently working with us or not , my team and I want to make sure that , at a minimum , you have the opportunity to have all the compliance documents you need audited . Even if you aren ’ t currently required to be compliant yet by industry or government standards , doing this now will save you hours and hours in the future , and you can rest easy knowing you are ready .
If you would like our help in prepping now for compliance , reach out ! My personal contact info is below ; I ’ ll be ready and willing to help . In the meantime , I want to thank you for being a part of our Quinn Technology Solutions community and please enjoy this inaugural issue of TechWatch Magazine , dear friend !
IT ’ s What We Do
Russell Quinn Founder , CEO Quinn Technology Solutions 281-817-7130 Quinn-Tech . com russell . quinn @ quinn-tech . com