TechSmart 121, October 2013 TechSmart 123, December 2013 | Page 11

. No 2 BlackBerry turns sour B lackBerry has been in trouble for quite some time, but this year, everything appeared to come to a head for the once upon a time darling of the business world. After posting record losses this year of around $950 million, things moved from serious to dire. In August, the company announced that it was exploring its “strategic alternatives,” which included seeking a partner or selling itself off. Alas, it appeared that few mobile companies were keen on the latter, exacerbated by an acquisition deal with Fairfax Financial Holdings that later fell through. And, while BlackBerry secured a $1 billion investment deal from Fairfax and some other investors, it again sent tremors through the BlackBerry world by showing ex-CEO Thorsten Heins the door, and talks of a trim of 4 500 employees. In his place, the company hired a new interrim CEO, John Chen, on whom BlackBerry has pinned its hopes that it can somehow return to glory. . No 1 NSA Prism: Yes we scan! P ossibly one of the most earth shattering happenings came from one Edward Snowden, who opened a can of worms when he revealed that the US National Security Agency (NSA) had been spying on, well, everyone. It turns out that the intelligence agency had been monitoring all sorts of electronic communications for years, including that of its own citizens, with even the German chancellor falling under its net. This sparked not only an international run by Snowden, and political wrangling between countries around who would, and would not, offer him a safe haven, but also a major question about people’s privacy on a global scale. While this concern dominated 2013, the PRISM revelations also had rippling effects. One of these was that technology companies the likes of Microsoft and Google found themselves in the hot seat, when it emerged that the tech titans had been compelled by the US government to grant them access to certain users’ data. The debacle is far from over and is set to have a profound impact on the internet as we know it in years to come. [RN] December 2013 | TechSmart 09