The pitch
The pitch:
Agricontrol software
You breed you own food in your garden but the environment isn’t good enough?
With Agricontrol software you can control your environment. If you have a greenhouse, get our all-in-one package. With this package you can control your own garden behind you computer.the software we developed is made to control your environment, the package exists of the software that can control the environment and tools you install in your greenhouse such as, temperature indicator for air and the ground, an indicator which analyses the air how dense it is and how much CO2 and H20 there is in the air, an UV-radiation measurer and more tools which helps control the environment.
The software is designed to control the environment but it can measure the fructose in the fruits of the plant without touching it.
Take gardening to the next level with Agricontrol Software
More information:
Telephone: +316-37287642
Email: [email protected]