movie expectation
BY S.Tingen
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The new iPad 2 now comes in black and white
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The new Star Wars movie has finally been announced, But what do we expect from it? Good or bad?
The new Star Wars film is only a few months away now, the movie will be released on December the 18th this year. Fortunately George Lucas has left directing Star Wars to JJ Abrams because his prequel trilogy: Episode 1 to 3 were a total disaster for the series. I believe JJ Abrams is going to make Star Wars a real Classic for the new generation. Lucas will be there though, but as creative consultant. There are only two trailers released yet but it made me and any other Star Wars fan really excited about the upcoming movie. The story takes place 30 years after Return of the Jedi and will therefore contain the original characters like, Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia Organa, Han Solo and our beloved Chewy.The movie will be shot with a anamorphic 35mm, what is a little bit old fashioned. But the film will be in IMAX and 3D (hell yeah), JJ Abrams tweeted a picture of Bad Robot production company showing an IMAX camera being used on the set. It was a 70mm IMAX, which has a much higher resolution than the anamorphic. Some shots are even taken from drones which can be really cool.
Because JJ is not a huge fan of digital movie shooting and uses a anamorphic 35mm camera, people are worried that the visual effects are going to be crap, but JJ is going touse full scale sets and models besides that he demonstrated in his movie of Star Trek that he can still make some cool special effects. The effects will be generated using Nvidia graphics cards-(Quatro M6000 cards). There are some rumours that the movie will even be available in 4k blue ray resolution but it’s going to be in blue ray en digital for sure.
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