technology in sports
BY K. Heersche
new arrivals
The new iPad 2 now comes in black and white
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Helping the referee
The technology nowadays helps referees in almost every sport. The normal and the slow-motion replays are making sure that every foul is seen. For instance with hockey is the game very fast and is it sometimes hard to see if someone made an foul or not. So in every match the captain could ask for the video referee to look if the first official made the right decision. In this way it improved the sport a lot. On the other hand it makes the speed in the game slower because everybody needs wait for the video referee to make a decision.
The Hawk-Eye
The name already explains what it is, the Hawk-Eye is a camera that provides a look from the air on the field. For example with tennis or soccer it has already played a big role. The Barclays Premier League is one of the first soccer leagues that accepted to use the Hawk-Eye goal line technology. This technology will provide the definite decision if a football crossed the line or not. With a 600 frames per second view on the goal line or outlines is this the fairest way to make a final decision.
Helping the athlete
The evolution of technology also helps the athlete. Just take a look to heartbeat meters, special machines that looks to your muscles to get the best performance and not to forget all the training machines. For example for professional cyclist, they can train whenever they want with a spinning machine. When an athlete gets injured 40 years ago it was hard to find out what he or she had, but now technology improved it to a next level. With scans and personal programs that make sure the athlete will recover as good and fast as possible. This is all thanks to technology.
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The sporting world has changed a lot in the 21st century. One of the most important factors is the technology, that changed the sport. Even though the technology improved the way of training and made sure that the right decisions were made in a match there are still people that think technology ruins the sport.