Technology News.
I Edition
Beautifully formed, bamboo frames perform at the highest level of
the sport.
Article created by: Marco Salas.
Bamboo bicycle frames are very stiff, transferring power efficiently, are durable, resisting
damage from stress and impacts; are comfortable, surpassing aluminum, steel, titanium and
most carbon frames in smoothness.
The Bamboo frames requires over 40 hours of labor to build. Following an interview with the
frame’s new owner, we hand select a bamboo tube set that will deliver characteristics
consistent with the riders expectations and requirements. Every frame is made to order and
every frame is unique. All bamboo bicycles are available in stock or custom geometries.
Our frame is made from bamboo that has been treated to prevent splitting. We finish the
bamboo frames with satin polyurethane that functions as a vapor seal and allows the owner to
maintain the bamboo frame as they would any metal or carbon frame. Lugs are made of
pounded bark cloth from ficus trees. It use a plant based high performance eco resin to create
the required matrix. Importantly, we discovered that bamboo and carbon fiber have different
rates or thermal dynamic expansion. The early bamboo frames used carbon fiber, instead of
natural fiber, to join the tubes and many of the joints failed over time. This problem was
corrected with time and the joints were made with natural resins.
This Bamboo frame with an integrated rear rack is a beautiful example of the flexibility in frame
design afforded by our bamboo tubing and natural fiber lugs. Intended for loaded touring this
frame features 35mm tire clearance, fender mounts, and long reach brake compatibility.