Technology Decisions Jun/Jul 2013 | Page 3

Back in the 1990s I was working with a manufacturing company . One of the big projects I was involved with at the time was developing a better way to report on corporate performance . In particular , the focus was on sales reporting . So we built the imaginatively named ‘ Reporting System ’. Early on , it was apparent that the biggest issue we faced wasn ’ t technical .
In speaking with a number of people for this month ’ s feature on business intelligence , it ’ s clear that the big issues from that time are still with us . How do we know what questions to ask and how do we define the measures we want to track ? We look at these challenges and look at where business intelligence and analytics are heading over the next few years .
Enterprises have been working on building up their environmental credibility with much of the pressure being thrust at the CIO . Not only do IT staff need to improve the power efficiency of the data centre but they also need to understand the ‘ greenness ’ of the entire supply and operation of almost everything with a power supply . How IT can do this is something we look at this month .
jun / jul 2013


10 | Tech Toys 12 | Building powerful C-level relationships 14 | Controlling who is accessing your data 16 | Keeping pace 24 | Peer2Peer : Conrad Bates , C3 Business Solutions 30 | Yarra Valley Water simplifies its IT 32 | Asia Cloud Forum 34 | Images of the future
Anthony Caruana , Editor
04 | Is better BI going to save your business ?
Business intelligence systems and analytics have leapt forward in recent years . We are now in the era of making real-time decisions with live data .
20 | How green is my strategy ?
Very few business decisions are now
made without some consideration of
the environmental impact . Is green a
big issue or just more hype ?
cover image : © iStockphoto . com / Evgeny Terentev
26 | How to execute better decision-making
Diverse opinions , backgrounds
and expertise mean that we all
approach the same question from
different perspectives , sharing varied
knowledge and experiences . It ’ s this
multiplicity that helps us arrive at the
best decision possible .
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