Technology Decisions Jun/Jul 2013 | Page 22

we pass over the plan to confirm that it
environmentally sound practices across
This highlights the point our four experts
is robust and complete . In my opinion ,
the entire portfolio of service delivery .
made earlier - creating a greener IT
we are taking a green approach anytime
department might start with a project
we reduce power consumption , reduce
“ Rising energy costs coupled with the
and some specific initiatives but it will
floor space , reduce infrastructure or other
increasing number of devices connected
only work when it ’ s instilled in everyday
‘ costly ’ IT enablers .”
to the network will force all areas of busi-
operations and embedded into work
ness to look for ways to become more
practices and culture .
This highlights an important considera-
energy efficient . In fact , plug loads and
tion . ‘ Green ’ is not a product or service
IT device energy use in commercial build-
Gibbons pushed this home , saying :
that can be purchased and deployed . It ’ s
ings accounts for nearly 5 % of all energy
“ Regulatory compliance and cost saving
a way of doing things that influences all
use in the US ; by 2030 that energy use
targets are a given , baked into strategic
service delivery .
is expected to increase 36 %,” said Tyrer .
planning now through years of effort
and application . There are cost and
Deguara said : “ When you ’ re talking IT ,
Gibbons pointed to his company ’ s BYOD
environmental benefits to underpin
green technology and energy efficiency
programs and how it can reduce the
the BYOD business case ; however , the
are synonymous . Computers are among
company ’ s environmental impact simply
real benefit of this strategy is a better
the biggest users of power , and power
by reducing the number of devices each
user experience , which better meets the
is still - on the whole - produced from
individual uses . Instead of having a device
consumers ’ individual needs .”
non-renewable resources . Implementing
for work and one for personal use , BYOD
an energy-efficient strategy across every
has substantially reduced the number of
There is a perception that ‘ going green ’
facet of a computer room or data centre
devices being used .
means spending more money , which
can save companies millions of dollars .”
might stop companies from imple-
However , the data centre does remain
menting more environmentally friendly
Interestingly , Tse felt that the key in-
a critical element in IT ’ s planning and
technologies in favour of cheaper so-
fluence for IT adoption of green and
delivery .
lutions . However , Deguara said : “ The
energy-efficient technology came from
bigger picture benefits of using green
outside the IT department and from
“ Data centre infrastructure in many cases
technology are more important to some
the C-suite .
uses more power than the IT equipment
than the dollars and cents that can be
in isolation , which is why advances in the
demonstrably made or saved using it .
“ Typically , the green initiative does not
energy efficiency of data centre cooling ,
But even if the use of ‘ green ’ is more
come from the IT department , but rather
cooling methods , uninterruptible power
financially than ethically motivated , its
company leadership . If the organisation
supplies ( UPS ) and power distribution
importance isn ’ t diminished .”
has a goal to reduce its carbon footprint
is so critical ,” added Deguara .
or ‘ go green ’, a directive will be given to
the IT department to find a product that
most closely matches those standards ,”
she said .
Is green tech only a data centre issue ?
Are CIOs demonstrating how green technologies can benefit the entire business ?
Tse said : “ CIOs have the challenge of
Corporate social responsibility is a term that is starting to find its way into IT strategy documents . The benefits of implementing green technologies may go further than being a simple measurement of better financial outcomes through power saving .
encouraging their employees to become
“ CIOs are increasingly finding that
It ’ s easy to confine IT ’ s use of green ini-
more eco-friendly , and usually that drive
green technologies are at the forefront
tiatives to the data centre and choosing
comes from regulatory compliance and
of corporate social responsibility policy
PCs that comply with some environmen-
cost savings . However , many companies
and initiatives - for this reason it ’ s im-
tal standard such as EPEAT . However ,
will make a commitment to becoming
portant that they have a good grasp of
all four experts agreed that this was a
more eco-friendly and build a corporate
the complexity and issues at hand with
superficial view of IT ’ s capacity to apply
culture off of that mission .”
green technologies ,” said Tyrer .
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