Techness March 2013 | Page 7

Game Design



For the aspiring game developer, making a game seems like all fun and games!(*Cough* PUN *Cough*)

As soon as you hit the hard parts like crunch time and trying to code a new feature, many Devs just shut off and become completely unmotivated!

Well never fear! Techness is here to save your bacon (and games!).

We have put together a list that will keep even the most un-motivated of people buzzing about game development!

Only code for a few hours a day MAX!

Most developers (Like myself) code for really long hours each day. This is a bad thing because the more you do something the more tedious it becomes. That fun, feature rich game you designed will seem worse than double geography homework! Instead try alternating projects so you dont lose productivity or even just take a break! A 15 minute break is all you need to clear your head and your eyes will thank you too!

Study the material you are basing your game on!

If you are not in the mood to actually program a game but still want to do some work on it, why not try study whatever it is you are trying to make a game about. Making an Asian farmer simulator (Please YES!!!)? Why not watch some documentaries on the subject? It may even give you more ideas for the game!

Surround yourself in success!

Put posters of your favourite games and follow other devs on twitter! This reminds you of your goal and the other Devs on twitter may even help you and inspire you!

Thats all for this months magazine! Tune back in next month for a look at Python/Pygame, Scratch and the Raspberry Pi!

Thanks for reading and remember, Geek on technerds!