Tech Watch Magazine - Russell Quinn June 2024 | Page 5

“ Price is just one aspect of negotiation , and a good price does not necessarily equate to a good deal .” – Chris Voss

In the realm of job and salary negotiations , there is one question you should always ask , regardless of the circumstances : How can I be guaranteed to be involved in projects critical to the company ’ s future ? This question holds tremendous power and should be the initial verbal response to inquiries about your previous salary or salary requirements .

Tom McCabe , a remarkable individual from my hometown , Mt . Pleasant , Iowa , incorporates this question into every job negotiation he undertakes . Having achieved extraordinary success as a global business manager for billion-dollar enterprises over the past two decades , McCabe serves as an inspiring example of what can be accomplished without an MBA , a prestigious university degree , extensive alumni networks or influential family connections ( though he does come from a great family ).
So how did Tom reach such heights ? It boils down to several key factors : unwavering dedication , integrity , exceptional people skills ( high emotional intelligence ), a good sense of humor and an unwavering commitment to the future success of every employer he ’ s worked for . Additionally , Tom has a talent for attracting remarkably talented individuals to work with him , as he actively invests in their future growth . The opportunity to be involved in strategic projects serves as a powerful recruiting tool .
Before placing a price tag on yourself ( or anything else ), it is crucial to establish your value . It ’ s not merely a matter of “ he / she who names the price first loses .” Rather , anyone who quotes a price without comprehending the value at stake is operating blindly . This principle aligns directly with the rules set forth by The Black Swan Group , emphasizing that price is just one aspect of negotiation , and a good price does not necessarily equate to a good deal .
One of the most effective ways to establish value with your negotiation counterpart is by genuinely positioning yourself as someone committed to their future prosperity . In every negotiation , your counterpart is silently asking , “ What ’ s in this for me ?” Offering them a promising future is a compelling answer .
“ Price is just one aspect of negotiation , and a good price does not necessarily equate to a good deal .” – Chris Voss
Hostage negotiators understand that connecting with the hostage taker ’ s vision of the future is pivotal to coaxing them out of their volatile situation . Early on , hostage negotiators emphasize their commitment to ensuring everyone ’ s safety . By establishing a link between themselves and the hostage taker ’ s vision of a future where they live , even if it ’ s only for a few more hours , negotiators increase their chances of success .
In the realm of networking , Keith Ferrazzi ’ s book Never Eat Alone stands out as a masterpiece . It shares an intriguing anecdote about the author ’ s early career experience . Upon receiving his MBA , Ferrazzi landed a job that involved extensive spreadsheet work , which he despised . Unmotivated and disengaged , he was on the verge of being fired or quitting . However , he shifted his focus towards making connections for his company . During his spare time , he raised the company ’ s visibility by giving free talks at small conferences nationwide . He proactively reached out to anyone who could benefit from a relationship with his employer , concentrating on areas critical to the company ’ s future . During his annual review , his superiors faced two options : fire him or redefine his job description . They chose the latter , setting the stage for Ferrazzi ’ s incredible success within the company .
Establishing your value to your current or potential employer in a similar fashion enhances your worth and makes it easier for them to offer you a competitive salary . You become a valuable asset , and negotiating your worth upfront paves the way for success .
Chris Voss is the CEO of The Black Swan Group , a firm that solves business negotiation problems with hostage negotiation strategies . Chris is also an adjunct professor at the University of Southern California Marshall School of Business and Georgetown University ’ s McDonough School of Business , where he teaches business negotiation in both MBA programs .
Find out more at BlackSwanLtd . com .