The 4 Essential Factors Of Success
The 4 Essential Factors Of Success
Manning identifies four key characteristics that allow people to succeed in their given career . “ Well , in any field , you certainly have to have ability ,” he says . In the world of MSPs , that ability comes in the form of technical savvy and expertise . If you can ’ t protect your clients ’ networks and quickly remedy problems when they do arise , all the customer service skills in the world won ’ t save you . To use a well-worn phrase from one of Manning ’ s old nemeses , ex-New England Patriots coach Bill Bellichick , you have to be able to “ do your job .”
Of course , ability alone is not enough . We ’ ve all heard stories of hyper-talented people who never lived up to their full potential . “ I think you have to combine that ability with a strong work ethic ,” Manning continues . “ When you combine those two , you have a chance to separate from the rest of the pack .” Ability plus work ethic equals growth . It ’ s just that simple . Once you recognize you have the talent to do something , you cannot become complacent or assume you have all the answers . Manning continued to learn throughout his nearly two-decade career , and adopting the mindset of a perpetual student is just as valuable to business owners .
“ The third thing that will bring you a notch higher is just a real passion ,” he adds . “ You have to love your job . If you don ’ t , it will show up .” Manning notes that he and his brother Eli , another championship quarterback , would ’ ve played football for free . There are an infinite number of businesses you can start , and there are countless ways to make money . If you don ’ t pursue an avenue you genuinely care about , work becomes monotonous in a hurry .
One last component gives you the recipe for a winner . “ The fourth thing ,” Manning concludes , “ is just a sense of accountability . People are counting on you , and you don ’ t want to let them down .” You have to take the blame for your failures and be a person of your word if you want to nurture a team for the long haul . You can ’ t hide or shuffle responsibility onto others , which brings us to our next point .
“ I learned my first lesson in leadership in a very embarrassing fashion ,” Manning recalls . As a freshman at the University of Tennessee , Manning was pulled from the sidelines after the starting quarterback was injured . Thrust into a huge moment , Manning attempted to take