Tech Watch Magazine - Russel Quinn April 2024 | Page 2


Hello !

Welcome to the spring 2024 issue of TechWatch Magazine . Featured in this issue , we have an article from avid entrepreneur and famed skateboarding pioneer Tony Hawk . In our exclusive interview on page 10 , Hawk reveals how he overcame haters , admits candidly that he is not a natural skater , and shares vulnerably that he suffered years of financial struggle , but he still overcame it all by applying a series of transformative business and life strategies . Whether you run a small business , manage a department , or are a leader in your community , you will get inspiration and practical advice from this legend .

It ’ s an exciting time for us at Quinn Tech , as this April marks 11 years in business . I can ’ t say thank you enough to everyone who has supported us over the years . COVID was hard because several clients went out of business , and we had a key colleague and friend pass away . Some companies put IT on the back burner as they dealt with extreme budget cuts . However , because of those who kept us on and stayed committed to their IT and cybersecurity , we survived and now we ’ re growing more than ever . I ’ m so thankful for that .
Something we ’ ve seen a spike in since COVID , and especially in the last few months , is the demand for co-managed IT services . Co-managed means our team works hand-inhand with an internal IT team to amplify cybersecurity measures and enhance the application of technology .
For example , we have a client whose IT guy is good at fixing workstations , but he was confused by the firewalls and the server side of things , so we came in to manage that aspect of their environment . We have another client whose IT team had an e-mail migration on their list for over a year because
of a few difficult tasks . Once they let us take that project over , we were able to complete those particular tasks in just a few hours and the migration was completed within a week .
Essentially , in a co-managed relationship , we fill the gaps and take on work internal teams otherwise don ’ t have the experience or time to complete . All of our larger clients have jumped on this trend , and we ’ re now seeing smaller businesses explore it as well . We also can help IT teams by providing tools and services to make their existing team more efficient . Call us at 281-817- 7130 to find out how this option could work for you .
In closing , I ’ d just like to touch on one of my speaking engagements this quarter . In March , I ’ ll be speaking to a law enforcement group on the importance of cybersecurity . It ’ s an honor to have been chosen to carry out this engagement , and I ’ m really looking forward to it .
That ’ s all for now . Until next time , enjoy the magazine and don ’ t forget to share with me how you ’ re putting these great insights to work in your business .
Technology : IT ' s What We Do !
Russell Quinn Founder , CEO Quinn Technology Solutions 281-817-7130 Quinn-Tech . com russell . quinn @ quinn-tech . com