Tech Watch Magazine October 2023 | Page 7

After years of following this sales model , Corcoran sold Corcoran Group for $ 66 million . At certain points , there were offers hitting well below that . These moments were often when there appeared to be no other way out of the chokehold than to sell .
That ’ s when Corcoran listened to her own advice — Simone ’ s insult — and persevered more .
At one point , Corcoran was sitting on a $ 300,000 debt to Citibank and a credit line she couldn ’ t pay , contemplating how Corcoran Group was going to climb itself out of the recession it was drowning in . Housing interest rates had climbed to 19 percent , and the market was cold . No one was going to dip their toes in that pool , no matter how good the price appeared .
Then , the walls closed in further . An insurance company called her with 88 apartment units that had been on the market for more than two years , and after numerous brokers , they just needed someone to sell the units . It was another blow to Barbara ’ s dwindling options .
“ They were the dogs of the market . No kitchens , no baths ,” Barbara recalled of the seemingly useless dump that had suddenly landed on her lap . “ I said , ‘ Nobody is going to buy this , I hate to tell you .’”
She knew that they had heard it before , but like Corcoran , the insurance company was desperate to push the units off their books .
That night , Corcoran met with Kaplan . Organized and numbers-focused , Kaplan was the calm in Corcoran ’ s energetic and risky business plan . That night , Kaplan and Corcoran debated closing . The funds they had left were far too small to pay off their debts , but those 88 units kept ringing in Corcoran ’ s head . She had been in a tight spot before . Corcoran ’ s style of spending money once it was in the door sometimes worked and sometimes left her scrambling . She had always found her way out , and now , something about those 88 units was beckoning to her .
Corcoran ’ s mind flashed to a seemingly mundane memory from her childhood . As the second oldest of 10 children in a two-bedroom house in New Jersey , Corcoran didn ’ t grow up in luxury . Her father was fired nearly every year for insubordination , while her mother was a meticulous planner with a gift for bringing out the best in each of her children . That memory landed Barbara on her grandfather ’ s farm , where , just across the street , a neighbor was selling Jack Russell terrier puppies .



Sleek new vehicles pulled up on the remote road one by one as women in furs and dripping in money stepped out . Corcoran watched with fascination . She had never seen such riches in her neighborhood . Hand-me-downs comprised her wardrobe , and the only vacation the family took was to Atlantic City after her father had received $ 1,000 from a three-month business venture .
“ When he got his $ 1,000 check , I remember the excitement of my father being in business for himself . Like John Wayne himself , he ’ d pass that $ 1,000 check around the table at dinner ,” Corcoran recalled . “ Spending that money in that whole week … It was like the best memory in our whole life .”
Back on the farm , while she and her siblings were watching the lives of the rich and famous on parade , Corcoran overheard her mother compliment their neighbor , Louise , on her ingenuity . Louise knew she only had so many puppies , but she also knew the value of her puppies . If she invited more rich families than she had puppies for to her farm , she would find homes for the little pups in just one day . For the rich families , the mass attraction and desire to be one of the families who purchased the puppies was far greater than ensuring they got a good deal .
Back in her office in New York City , while contemplating shutting her doors for good , Corcoran ’ s last-minute play came to her head . The 88 apartment units were her puppies . She just needed to find her clientele .
Corcoran hosted a “ secret sale ” of the units , where 200- 300 people showed up to look at and possibly purchase the 88 units . Even with housing interest rates at 19 percent and battered apartment units on the market , Corcoran Group sold every single unit and raked in $ 1.3 million in commission . Corcoran paid off Citibank , paid her outstanding debts and used the remaining $ 600,000 to open a new office .
The queen was back .
“ I have found that is my gift every time ,” Corcoran said . “ I see some advantages that I could run right up the damn flagpole .”